I am 11w pp and for reasons unknown I snap at my dh at even the slightest thing. He can ask me a simple question and I get so incredibly defensive. I apologize for it later and he forgives me but my lord do I get angry. I have never been this p___sy before so I'm chalking it up to baby but has anyone else just blew their top over the stupidest things?
| San - August 23 |
Oh boy do I hear you. I'm 10 w pp and it's the same with me. For myself I think it's having a 10 week old and a 20 mth old whose schedules (night-wise)don't mesh yet. Although hubby & I take turns getting up for the middle of the night feeding and he's not b___hy so who knows? :)
| jas - August 25 |
Hormones are going back to where they were pre-prego... Tell him he has a good three months of it before you will feel more normal...