Needed Surgery After Perfect Natural Delivery
2 Replies
I had my baby on the 24th of July and after a very fast quick natural delivery i started bleeding heavily. My doctor could not find where it was coming from. Before i knew it my blood pressure dropped, my heart rate dropped, i needed a blood tranfusion and i ended up having surgery. It was the scariest thing i ever went through. My biggest fear was having a c-section and i ended out coming out worst. Thankfully with the quick thinking of my doctor and all he nurses they found where the bleeding was coming from and now im fine. It seemed to be that when i was pushing my daughter out, she had her hand on her face and that created a tear in my va___a which caused me to hemorhage. I really thank god because it could have been much worst. Has anything similiar happen to anyone else?
I had a tear on the wall of my v____a just below my cervix a couple of years ago. It wasn't from childbirth, but it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my life. I truly thought I was going to die. I noticed there was lots of blood gushing out and I thought maybe I was having a miscarriage (tmi: hubby and I had a long night of intimacy) but didn't think I was pregnant. So my dh took me to the ER, because it wouldn't stop and I was losing A LOT of blood, fast. When I got there they examined me and saw that I had a tear on the wall, so they put me under General and the Dr. stopped the bleeding with 14 st_tches. I, thankfully, didn't need a blood tranfusion, but sometimes I wonder if I should have had one. I was really yellow and dizzy for a couple of months afterwards and I lost about 20 lbs, I now have a low platelette count, which made me a little sick during my last pregnancy. Also, I was terrified to have a v____al birth after all that. I have a scar underneath my cervix now and I thought it would tear again when giving birth, but it didn't. I haven't had any problems, everything healed really well and I forget it's even there most of the time. Just take it easy and eat lots of protein and take iron supplements to build up your blood again and you'll heal nicely and it'll be as if it didn't even happen, when it come to the physical part of it anyway. I hope it doesn't put you off of having any more kids because it is something that isn't likely to happen to you again. Take care.
I was induced due to pre-eclampsia but labour was rather uneventful to me, except I did end up bleeding too much from a non-a__sisted v____al delivery. No one said anything about hemorrhaging, but I lost 1L of blood (twice the amount they're comfortable with). I was weak and disoriented, for about 12 hours after that but otherwise got of relatively easy and was allowed to go home after about 36 hours. I found the pre-eclampsia more scary only because I was in the hospital for a whole week so I had time to think about my condition more. Thank goodness for the marvels of modern medicine, or I dare say there would be a number of us who would not have survived pregnancy. It really makes me doubt I should take a chance with a second child.