Am I Having Panick Attacks
7 Replies
My baby is 16 weeks old and I can't even begin to tell you how happy and in love I am. My problem is that I am constantly worried that my husband and I are dying of horrible diseases. I look up symptoms like sweating(especially at night) and back pain and give myself cancer and hiv. I am constantly checking my lymph nodes to be sure they are not swollen. I haven't even had a cold this winter, but am sure I am dying. I think about it all the time and cry every other day. My husband is really worried about me and I am too afraid to go to a doctor for fear they will tell me I'm right. Help!
it sounds like a psycological/anxiety/phobia problem. get counciling, there's no shame in getting help. if you're afraid you're sick then get a physical. i'm sure it's all in your mind. check out this site-- i hope this helps.
It's time to talk to your doctor. I don't think it's panic attacks...I've had those before and your heart pounds, you get red and sweaty, you feel like you're going to fall over, and you feel like you're having a heart attack. You do have some sort of anxiety, though...Your night sweats are probably caused by your hormone levels changing after birth, and your back pain is a result of pregnancy and of having given birth. You don't have hiv...they probably checked you for it at the beginning of your pregnancy, it's fairly routine, and I'm sure you haven't been sleeping around or sharing needles since the beginning of your pregnancy, so you're safe. Do see a doctor, though...your baby will never be this age again, and you're probably not enjoying the baby as much as you could be, because of your anxiety.
| J - January 25 |
You should go to the doctor and get help. I have something a bit similar where I think things are contaminated and we are all going to die and I clean to try and stop the contimination. My baby is 14 weeks old. What I have is called Obsessive Comulpsive Disorder (OCD) and often appears after a birth as mine did. I'm not sure you have this (unless you are cleaning or checking a lot too) but it sounds like an anxiety disorder probably brought on by hormonal changes. You are not dying, just as I am not contaminating things - we just have a fear of it. Counselling and/or anti-depressants are normally recommended.
| Sam - January 26 |
Me too! Ohhh take God I am not the only one! I ALWAYS am thinking about these things! One day I think I have HIV and the next cancer and somedays I am sooo paranoid that I will get my baby sick! I wash my hands All the time in the fear of germs and such! Knowing that I am not crazy or alone on this makes me feel a whole lot better.
| J - January 28 |
Hi Sam - You sound just like me - its so horrible to have this OCD. I'm also always washing my hands and will repeatedly wash them incase I didn't wash them properly the first time. How old is your baby? Are you getting any help? I'm seeing a therapist and on 3 Prozac a day but I'm struggling with it. Wish there was a magic solution. My started badly after the birth. Was yours the same? Hope we both get better soon.
| Sam - January 29 |
Hey J - I have not seen a doctor yet, I was hoping that I would start to feel better and somedays I do but others are getting worse. Did you ask your OB/GYN about it ? I just don't know where to go first.
| J - January 29 |
Hi Sam - I live in the UK and went to my doctor about it because mine seemed to worsen quite rapidly. Its called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and some doctors know little about it and others know lots. The condition apparently often doesn't get better without treatment - usually anti-depressants plus therapy, normally CBT/Exposure therapy. There are lots of websites on OCD - I think the ones I use are and (Take out any dashes) Fear of HIV and cancer are two of the most common contamination OCDs so I'm fairly sure its what you have. I have contamination OCD - its horrible. I'd research it a bit on the internet then go to your doctor if you aren't getting better. Its normal to feel like you're going crazy with it but apparently we aren't crazy!! Good luck. Hope you get better soon.