Dont Know-pg110151359375

2 Replies
ANOMONUS - November 26

Sometimes i will just be talking with someone and my mind will just go blank and i will get really nervous all of a sudden and panic is this normal?


Mellissa - December 1

Are you pregnant still? Most pregnant women have trouble keeping their head out of the clouds and forgetfulness and lack of focus are common. If you are a new Mom and these symptoms are new to you, you've had a lot thrown on your plate as you now have a new ident_ty and lifestyle that you have to cope with. The nine months of pregnancy do nothing to help you prepare besides giving you time to paint the nursery and learn about giving birth. One day suddently becoming a "Mom" and having all this responsibility weighted on you, not to mention the fact that you have much less freedom and must now be selfless is quite a lot to swallow (no matter how much we think that we prepare ourselves for it!) If you have indeed already given birth, watch for any other changes such as bouts of crying, deep depression that cannot be shaken and dramatic changes in weight and eating activity. It could be more than just the baby blues (something A LOT of wome experience in the first few weeks) and could actually be postpartum depression.


L - May 31

After how many days I can know if I am pregnancy?



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