Anyone due June 6th? Would like to know when you conceived!!!
with your last period, your due date is around june 3rd. if you were given a date of the 6th with an u/s its pretty close. anyways with either date, you would have conceived around sept 13th, give or take a few days either way
So I could have conceived before Sept 12-13th right?
yes you could have conceived a few days before the 13th , its not like weeks but it could be 4days or 5. youll know a better date when you have your first ultrasound
my due date is 06-06-07 and according to my Dr i conceived sept 12 and i remember something that happened that day and me and hubby did have s_x that nite so i guess the Dr was right
Well my due date has changed 3 thimes...originally June 2nd...Then June 10th, and now June 9th....all i know is Between Sept 8th and Sept 11th we had alot on unprotectect s_x so we concieved sometime that weekend....