Before I found out I was pregnant, I was a complete and total idiot making many irresponsible and stupid choices... (this was a few years ago)
When I was informed I was pregnant, I had a sonogram performed on Aug. 8 which assessed the baby to be 8 wks and 5 d along...
Thing is, I have always been irregular, so they could not have used my menstrual cycle as an indicator of any kind...
and in the couple of months prior to finding out I was pregnant, I was drinking a LOT of alcohol, smoking many MANY cigarettes, using illegal narcotics, and basically not sleeping for days and days on end... After I discovered I was "not alone" in this body, I immediately changed my lifestyle and I pumped myself full of vitamins of all kinds and healthy living habits for the entire duration of my pregnancy.....
However, is there any way the first sonogram performed could have been wrong about how far along my child was? Could my behavior prior to finding out I was pregnant have slowed her growth so she appeared smaller than she really was?
I had a problem-free pregnancy and a healthy baby, but my initial EDD was Feb. 28 (or somewhere around there) and then later on when I had another sonogram done they changed it to almost 4 weeks sooner!!
In the end, my doctor just flat out told me he was going to induce labor on March 6, and they marked her GA as 39 wks, which would be according to the initial EDD...
So, any help figuring this out would be appreciated. :)