Pregnancy After 3 Miscarriages

143 Replies
Christine - November 20

My friend just had a beautiful healthy baby girl 4 days ago, after having 5 (!!!)consecutive miscarriages. With this baby, she had acupuncture treatments and drank a chinese herbal tea during the whole pregnancy. Good luck to you!


Alison - November 26

Dylan I am so sorry for your losses- I too have lost 3 babies (no children) the most recent miscarriage was in June. All the tests we had gave no explanation so we are trying again and praying we will have a baby soon. I have certainly read posts from people who have had babies after several losses-it helps give me hope though some days hope is hard to come by isn't it. I pray you will be blessed very soon-it is just so very hard. Bless you and all the ladies here xxx


sam - November 29

i had my first miscarrige at 13 weeks. i then went on to give birth to my daughter. following that i have just suffered my 5th misscarriage.


Dylan - November 30

Sam, I am sorry to hear you are one of the unfortunate ones to suffer multiple losses. Has your doctor performed any tests?? I recently had a chromosone test and several other tests done to see if there is a problem with me or just really bad luck. I have had 5 miscarriages and one healthy pregnancy. Lydia, have you gotten your results yet? Alison, I am glad all of your tests came back normal and that you are ttc once again. I will pray for you and all of the other wonderful ladies who have been through so much!! Be strong and baby dust to all!!


Tara - November 30

My story is different, but I cant believe how my husband and I just cant have a baby . I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks in June 2005 and I had no testing. I became pregnant 1 month later and last weekend induced into labor and had an 18.5 week old baby girl that had swelling on the heart and brain, cystic hygroma and fetal hydrops which is a 100% mortality rate. 2 losses since June and Im terrified of becoming pregnant again even though doctors are telling me the last was Turners Syndrome and its just bad luck. My husband has had enough with this and I still feel I dont want to give up. Ive requested lots of testing and Im sure it will come back normal. I cant understand why I can get pregnant so easy, but my poor sweet little babies cant survive. I have had so many things happen this year my mom might have colon cancer, all my baby kittens died that I was bottle feeding, two babies died, and lost a lot of friends because they are pregnant and dont understand my loss or think its contagious,my husband wants to leave me because of all this stress. Im really starting to feel my life is falling apart, there is no happiness left and Ive become a very negative unhappy miserable person when I used to be so positive.You ladies are so strong and wonderful. You have all been through this pain numerous times and you dont give up on life and your dream of having a healthy baby.I wish my husband and I could be that strong. Im sending lots of prayers to all of you. I hear stories of women that abused thier children or never wanted them.I cant understand why the best mommies have such a hard time having babies.


angel - November 30

hi i am so sorry.. im 20 and ive had 4 mc may be pregnant again and im very scared.... good luck with all u ladies trying again :)


sam - December 1

yes Lydia the answer to your question is yes i have had all the tests and it seems i am very healthy. my huaband was tested to.having one miscarriage was painful enough but 6 is breaking me inside, i am just so blessed to have such a gorgeous daughter. my heart goes out to all of you who have not yet had that wonderful feeling of being a mummy. It is so nice to know i am not alone.


Lynette - December 4

Hi Im 21 and ive had 3 m/c, for two years now I had no luck with keeping a child. Ive lost my angels all before becoming 8 most recent m/c was 2 days ago.. I just want to say good luck to all of u and all we can do is keep hope, pray, and believe!


Dylan - December 5

Hi Lynette, I feel so bad for you. Losing a baby no matter what age you are is difficult. Losing 3 is devastating. I hope your doctors plan on running some tests to see if they can find out why this is happening to you. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!


bel - December 11

i lve in australia and recently there has been a story about a herbal lady who is helping couples concieve and carry - maybe something like that is worth looking into the web address is have a look for your self maybe they can help or know others that do similar work that can help.


sallie - December 14

I have had 3 miscarriages in the past year and have just recently started going to a fertility specialist. I was hesitant to go at first b/c I am obviously very fertile but so far I have felt like it has made such a difference. He has tested every aspect that goes into a pregnancy and has found some minor things that can be corrected and I am getting the constant attention that I have felt like I needed. I love my regular doctor but my husband and I felt like she was not being as attentive as we would like given our situation. The specialist will only be my doctor until he is positive the next pregnancy is viable and then I will go back to my regular doctor but I would strongly suggest if anyone has had 3 miscarriages or more to go to a specialist. It has made a world of difference in my feelings and confidence that we will have a healthy baby one day and has helped me feel like I am doing everything it takes to get there.


Dylan - December 15

Sallie, thank you for your advice. I had no idea you could see a fertility specialist if you do not have a problem getting pregnant. I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder 3 weeks ago. I had some more more lab work done to find out what type of gene mutation I have and I still have not gotten those results back. He originally told me to wait 2 cycles before ttc again and it has now been 2 cycles. He has not bothered to return my calls to let me know what to do. It is so frustrating when you feel like you are not getting the care you need. Best of luck to you and thanks again!


Erin - December 16

Sallie - I know just what you are saying!! I've started seeing a fertility specialist, too, even though I am an "habitual aborter" (what a lovely phrase). I've had 4 mc, and one child. I loved my old doctor, too, but his practice just wasn't equipped to deal with someone with my issues. And I certainly wasn't getting the attention I really needed. The specialist is wonderful. Incredibly thorough and concerned. She's done every test imaginable and has found a few possible issues, which are being addressed. Anyway, she is giving me hope again. I strongly recommend anyone who has had two recurrent mc's to find a fertility specialist, and not wait for a third mc first.


TLS - December 16

Hi Dylan and others...I'm so sorry to hear about all the loss, here...but, I'm almost in the same boat. I'm 42 and have had two miscarriages, both when I was 41. The miscarriages happened at 5 and 6 weeks. I've never even seen a sac on ultrasound, so sad. I've been to Reproductive endocrinologist and had all the tests (and yes, you can see fertiltiy doc if you miscarry...that's what they're there for, mostly, to find out what's going wrong)...turns out I have a progesterone defect, don't produce enough. Now, I'm taking suppliments. Problem is, I can't seem to get pregnant again. We've been trying for a year, now....have even done some IUI's. I wish I had some sage advise, feeling pretty down about the whole thing myself. Nice not to be alone, though.


Dylan - December 19

Erin - I am glad to hear that you are seeing a specialist and getting some answers. Have they given you the okay to start ttc?? I will turn 42 in a month and am questioning whether or not I can go through this again. Sallie - so sorry about your losses. Although, it is good that they have pinpointed a problem and are treating it. Lots of baby dust to you!!!!


Mrs A Whyte - December 19

Erin what other possible issues did they point out to you at your new doctors? I hope it's not rude to ask I'm just looking for info/advice anywhere I can! I've had all the tests our clinic offer and just wondered what other things you have come across-thanks x



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