Could I Still Be Pregnant -pg119449514151
4 Replies
It has been a little under 8 weeks since my last period. My husband and I had unprotected s_x for the first time at the very end of that last period. I've taken 3 home pregnancy tests. One about two weeks ago, another a few days later, and a third yesterday. All have come back negative for pregnancy. However, I'm still worried I might be pregnant since I've always been regular. Any advice? We have decided I will make a visit to my primary care physician if I have not started my period by next week.
Any advice would be great!
I think the best thing to do is just do what your doing and go and see the doctor. They can do a blood pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant. I've heard that some woman who are pregnant don't always show up on pregnancy tests that they are but if they have a blood test it shows that they really are pregnant. It's because of the progrostone hormone some womens progrostone hormones are not strong enough to be shown on a pregnancy test.
Thanks so much! I'm working on setting up an appt. today!
I visited my PCP...I will have my results tomorrow :)!