Getting Pegnant By Amarried Man
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I am a wife. I have a question to all women who have had babies by married men. When a man voiced he doesn't want anymore childern and a women tells him she can't have any just in conversation of a weeks time before lying together is there something the women is looking for. The women at the time was 34 years old never had any childern still living at home, didn't make enough money to live on her own. She told him if she did get pregnant he could go on and she wouldn't tell anybody, but 3 weeks later it turn out different, she called him and told him he got her pregnant his response was you told me you coudn't have any childern, she said well I don't know what happen but you are going to have to take care of it. I'll post more of the situation after response this is very deep. I had know idea there were women who motives were to destroy families on purpose. I had a conversation with her after my finding out and he told me she knew everthing abouut my life style by haning with people we knew and I guest she played part of her cards right to get that baby for child support instead of my husband. ALA