Please Help -pg119015935725
2 Replies
I have just recently had unprotected s_x with my husband(2days ago), I stopped taking my birth control about 1-2 months ago, not to become pregnant but because they were making me sick. Since this has happened 2days ago I have been feeling very sick. How long after you get pregnant do you start feeling sick. Could this be pregnancy or are these symptoms non pregnancy related. Please help. Thanks
It usually takes about a week after conception to feel any symptoms and most women don't actually get morning sickness until they are about 6 weeks pregnant
Yep, I didn't know I was pregnant until I took a test for fun (got new internet cheapies in the mail and wanted to see how they worked and lo and behold, it was positive) and didn't get sick until 6 weeks. I had really, really sore nipples before I knew I was pregnant, though-- I just thought my bra was irritating them.