Could I Be Pregnant -pg10985091815
1 Replies
We have s_x 12 days ago, we did it Two times , the first time he didnt use condom but when he nearly came he pull it out side on my stomach, and he clean around his p__s with tissue paper, about 20 minutes later we start having s_x again he didnt wear condom and when he nearly came he pull it outside again . my question is could his sperm get inside me after our first s_x and then we make love again ,,, is the sperm still inside him after 20 minutes..?is it still active or maybe if he didnt clean properly ..?
It is possible that some of his s____n did get inside you. Not only would there have been some left on his p___s after the first time you had intercourse (no matter how well he wiped it off), but there is also something called prec_m. Although it doesn't have nearly as many sperm in it as normal ejaculation does, there is still some, and it can get you pregnant. If you don't want a baby, then you should use some form of birth control (condoms, spermicide, pills).