Please Help How Possible Is Pregnancy
1 Replies
I had protected s_x on the 8th of september two days after my period. My periods were then 3 days late I must stay I was stressed. I then got it on the 2nd of October to the 5th normal flow. On sunday the 23th my nipples started hurting but on the 26th got my period again twice in one month it was normal heavy flow n bad period pains then my nipples stopped being sore. The only symptom I have is urination 3 to 4 hours which I've never had before. Could I be pregnant what does the two periods in one cycle mean
Your early September s_x was close to being in the fertile window, but you used protection. Now you have had a couple of unusual signs, which talk to me more of a cyst or some other problem. I think you should run a pregnancy test just to check, then start talking about annual gyno exams which all s_xually active women should have.