Sex And Pregnancy-pg121257988979
6 Replies
hey ladies, am 31 weeks pregnant and i cant wait to hold my little one, these days i cant get enoug s_x, and last nite while having s_x with my man a pounding haedache started we had to stop coz it was unbearable .My ? is why am i getting headaches during s_x? is this bad? should i stop having s_x now?
I take it the ? means orgasm? Do you usually get headaches during s_x or was this a once off? Normally s_x is perfectly healthy & safe during pregnancy but any out of the ordinary symptoms (like headaches) might be an indicator of something wrong. I would tell your doctor asap just in case it is related to something else - like high blood pressure etc.
I've heard of some women getting that while pregnant. Give your doctor a call, I *think* I remember it being just another one of those horribly cruel symptoms of pregnancy but I'm not sure. A quick call should clear it up though.
E586467 i usually experience these headaches during s_x only!!!
are you holding your breath? i tend to do that sometimes and then a headache reminds me to breath breath breath.
Hi mangobese sorry I haven't replied but I'm 9wks with #3 & the morning sickness is sooooo bad at the moment that I don't get on the computer everyday. If you are only getting them during s_x it could be what Teddyfinch said if you are holding your breath especially while orgasming when your hormones are going crazy & your oxygen needs increase. After thinking about it I vaguely remember getting 1 or 2 headaches with #2 while orgasming, but just in case still mention it at your next checkup. Good luck with your pregnancy & try to enjoy all the s_x you want now, cause when the baby comes you'll be soooo tired it will be the last thing on your mind.
E586467: 9w already! i'm 16w5d and i have my hopeful gender ultrasound on the 16th. i can't believe we've come this far! sorry for your morning sickness. i was lucky enough to be able to eat through mine. not a lot, but any time i felt well enough, i'd chow down.i can eat all of one cheeseburger now lol. no pickles!