What Should I Do And How Can I Know
3 Replies
okay wow just five days ago i lost my virginity, being so inexsperienced Im afraid I can be pregnant. I know as long as a condome was used....thats the problem although I had lost my virginity s_xual intercourse did not just happen that one time. It happened a few times actually and one time without a condome....ive been reading alot about symptoms of pregnacies and dont really notice to any but it has only been 4 days and I truely am AFRAID......my urine has darkened wich isnt normal for me although through out vacation soda has been my only liquid intake so im not sure aswell as the number of me using the restroom has increased and i do feel exstra hungry but I force myself not to eat just incase I am no one else would ask ?'s! I feel so bad and I have no clue as of to what I should do and how I would really know! I juat cant wit for my periode itis stressing me out!please just someone tell me what to do!
You can visit your doctor and they can do a blood test before your period is expected to start - or if you can wait it out - you can take a Home Pregnancy Test if you're period doesn't start when it normally would.
Hope that helps
You're right -- 4 days after having s_x is too early to start having symptoms because even if sperm did meet egg, they haven't implanted in the wall of your uterus yet. Darkened urine is just a sign of (mild) dehydration -- not of pregnancy. I'm going to guess that the soda you've been drinking has mostly been caffeinated like cola or mountain dew? Try not to worry about being pregnant because worry itself can delay your period. Wait until your period is due and if it doesn't show up take a pregnancy test. When did you have s_x and when is your period due? You can only get pregnant when you're ovulating -- which means there's only a few days a month you can actually get pregnant.
actualy you only have a 12-24hour time window to get pregnant.