I think I may have that type as well... I did have 2 temp spikes after ovulation last cycle. I have it on FF if you'd like to look at it... Temp after af was below coverline, it shot up at O, dropped below cover, then went right back up 7 days later, then stayed above coverline until after AF this month. I can only hope O day is now or 3 days later lol. I'm going to be doing tons of travelling these next couple weeks.
My step daughter and I are going to Dayton.
aibogirl- so you went to DR and you're prego? We never got a confirmation other than your faint positive. CONGRATS!! keep us updated when the bean starts fluttering ^_^ be safe, take care!
I'm still here too. Just in that part of the 2ww when it is too early to think of anything as being symptoms.. 11 DPO now. Feeling weird lately. little nauseous and lots of heartburn lately... not sure what's causing it. I'm actually at my inlaws for a visit and sister-in law's wedding so some of this could be due to less water intake and more stress because everyone is so loud while my 12 month old is trying to sleep. :) also been getting a little bit of cramps the past couple days, real mild. Think it's a little early for af cramps but this will only be af #3 since birth of dd. So, who knows. 99% sure af is coming tues or wednesday... if not, test thurs.
Hello all!! I'm not necessarily new here but I have not posted before. I am currently 10dpo. I have some symptoms headaches, ache on right side and back, pain going up my legs, very ,very moody. sticky CM. The pain was so bad a few days ago went to urgent care they took a test but I already knew it was to soon for it to come up positive. The diagnosis was that I am constipated. I told him that I think I may be pregnant but he said he didn't want to do a blood test as it may not show anything since it is so soon.
Fast forward to today took a FR(early one) came up negative. About an hour later went to the restroom and had a small clot(tmi)in my panties and some brown discharge. I have never had this before my period was due.(Thur.) Also I have hot flashes. I live in Las Vegas so right now its 110 but I have the AC on 77 and still im burning up.
Has anyone gone through this and still ended up pregnant??
Wow, we've fallen way down the list! How's everyone doing??? Any more BFP's????
Well, AF was due today or tomorrow and nothing yet. There were a few times where I was having cramps, not quite as bad as usual af cramps but I was SURE it was going to start any moment.
So, I also had a glob of whitish sticky cm this evening which is unusual for me before af arrives... we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Other than that I also have a couple zits on my forehead as I did last month, super dry skin around my mouth and very chapped lips like last month. Different from last month, lots of heart burn and a little nausea. It's weird, feels like my stomach isn't digesting the food I'm eating. I'm not convinced of anything. Still leaning towards AF is going to start later tonight or tomorrow. If not and not by thursday morning I'll test. Anyone else getting close??
not much going on here, just going to bed with dsd at my grandma's. coming home tomorrow. cm decided to get wayyy watery tonight, temp still close, just a little lower today, down from 97.3F to 97.2F. i feel okay about it, but a little worried because.
temp dipped last month before O, and cm didn't get any better than creamy. maybe we're on to something this month and hopefully we don't miss it this time ^_^. sweet dreams and baby dust to those of us who have yet to get our bfp's!!!
Hello ladies. Back to TTC this month. LMP was the 16th July (strange thing about that was it only lasted 1.5-2 days-minimal bleeding but with one big clot. Any opinions on this?). I could ovulate anywhere between CD 14-16, which means anywhere between 29th-1st. Had watery CM a couple of days ago but no sign on EWCM yet. I am not into my 2WW but am anxious for it. Hopefully we are successful this month.
Welcome back DDT! Looks like we're due to O around the same time. I had watery cm yesterday, starting the night before, but as with you, no sign of ewcm yet. My af lasted 6 days! that was a lot longer than normal. Luckily, i'll be thoroughly occupied and out of the country during my 2ww, and hopefully I won't think too much about it.
I got back from Ohio yesterday, just in time to make it to my belly dance cla__s, so luckily I didn't miss that one! Yesterday morning, I was happy to see watery cm, and so happy dh was as willing as I was to bd. OPK was neg last night, but this morning was POS! I have some hope now. I'll just pester him again tonight :) I know i'm going to miss an awful lot of stuff, due to my overseas trip starting on Sunday! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! Good luck everyone!
My BFP turned into a BFN. I'm pretty sure that was a chemical pregnancy. That "ovulation" type pain I felt just recently turned out to really be that. I'm a__suming that I had faint positives on the days I didn't test, which was 11 or 12 dpo, cuz the "period" showed up on 13 dpo...but since it was so light and I felt symptoms anyway, I tested and got BFPs...very faint though. Stopped testing...well earlier last week I felt completely unpregnant. And 3 tests proved it.
I'm just glad to know it's even possible to get pregnant. We thought we would have difficulty.
Good luck to the rest of you trying. I feel like I need a little break after all that craziness lol.
Well, its quiet on this thread. No one looking to test soon? I am at 6dpo today. Having lots of lotiony CM and slight cramping. Bloated. Had some very sharp pains this morning. Thinking I'll test on the 9th (12dpo). I don't know why but I have a good feeling this month. Lets see shall we :)
Sorry to hear about your BFN aibogirl. It is rea__suring to know that you have some swimmers thought. Hopefully better luck next month!
Well, I am not sure if anyone else is on this thread anymore but I have some news. I got a faint BFP today! I think (if my calculations are right) that I am 9dpo. I will test in another 4 days. I wish I could post a pic on this site so you could see for yourself. Its faint but def there. Yahh!
Symptoms thus far: Ovulated 28th July with very watery CM. Wet my panties and pants right through. Never had that before which was weird. Started mild cramping at 4dpo. Felt sharp ovary pain at 6dpo with cramping. Bad cramping on dpo 7 & 8. One thing that has been consistent is my CM. Lots of it and almost EWCM quality. No b___st tenderness. So, CM and consistent cramping have been the major symptoms.
Hello all, back from my vacation! It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life! I met so many wonderful people and am already planning my next trip overseas! How exciting.
Anyway, looks like nothing much has happened except for the VERY exciting news of your faint bfp! Oh wow ddt congratulations!!! keep us posted!!! STICKY BEAN DUST TO YOU!!! ^_^
My update is I have no idea when I ovulated this month. My body was getting ready to when I left, but my days and nights were so backwards with lots of naps and laziness in between that I forgot to take my temperature every day. On the 5th day my ankle started to hurt so i've been gimping around for a few days, then my dh decided to out-gimp me... on the flight back his ankles swelled big time and are causing him a lot of pain. I hope he feels better soon.
Yesterday, I had brown discharge, and FF predicts AF to come today, so we'll see how it all went. Other than that, I have nothing to report.
Where is everyone? hello? Hope to hear from you soon ladies!
Hello girls :)
I am currently 4 dpo and feeling tired and very bloated. is it too soon to be feeling like that? I can't wait to test in about 5 days when I am 9 dpo. I took clomid 50mg for 3 days to fix my Luteal Phase that might be defective and we saw 4 follicles waiting to be released. I don't know if all of them got out or not but I know that I ovulated because I had a progesterone test done that showed post ovulation levels. I am so excited for a BFP and very nervous because I DO NOT want to conceive twins! But if we do we will love them just like we love the another 2 we have :) Anyone on a similar situation? Any symptoms so early?
Hi everybody.
Af is 1 week and 2 days overdue,took a hpt 2 days ago came up negative,i feel this test could be wrong due to i did the test in the evening and had been to the loo 3 times before actually taking the test,didnt think this would have made much diffrence? so will be taking another test in 5 days using first morning pee,see if this makes a diffrence. Baby dust to all ttc xox
I'm still around too. OPK says tomorrow is a good day, so we're meeting the donor at 5PM. Looks like my TWW will start within a day or two!