Hi my name is Vanessa and I'm new to this but I have a few concerns, well I usually have a regular cycle well in November I had my cycle come on the 10th it usually last 4 days. So on the 15th I had unprotected sex we used the withdrawal method. Well I should have started my cycle on the 8th and it came on the 10th so I was two days late and it only lasted 2 days it was heavy on the 10th then really light on the 11th than brown discharge the morning of the 12th than it was completely gone I wasnt thinking I was lucky because I had a short month but than my breast have been hurting I've had a few cramps and some mild nauseousness. But I don't think I can be pregnant because I thought I was in the safe side cause I was not ovulating.. So can someone help me out before I take HPT I can't afford to be pregnant