Cramping 5 6 Days After Ovulation
499 Replies
Hi Kat82,
I am now 7 months pregnant (28 weeks) coming up to 29 weeks on saturday.
You need to take this test tho, no matter wat and i had the similar symptoms before i found out i was pregnant i was around my period due date and i kept getting on and off cramping down below as if i was going to come on but no bleeding, this happened for a few days, had viens come up on my b___bs and they had on and off painful sensations especially in the nipple area, my nausea didnt start til i was 6 weeks preg but everyone is different.
If you are getting no period, on and off cramps, nausea, painful b___bs, frequent urination, tiredness, constipation, changes in food habits then its likely u are but u need to take the preg test asap.
Best time to take the first response pregnancy test is early in the morning with the very first urine stream/sample as this is most concentrated and contains the highest amount of hormone if there is any present, take it and let us know! good luck! xx
i ovulated the 27th of last month and had s_x the 24th and 27th. i had cramping 5-6 days after ovulation and i have been dizzy, had sore b___sts, headaches, and been constipated. can anyone tell me if they have had these same symptoms?
Hi all your stories are great. Hubby and I just started TTC, I am now 4 DPO according to OPK... I have cramping in my lower left side and I had a strange(for me) discharge clear but thick yesterday, my cycles are long and AF is not due until 10/24... I thought I was crazy to think this could mean pregnancy so soon until I started reading. It's only been 4 days and I am already going crazy with the wait. Hope you all get your BFP soon!
hi all
i used clomid in august 2006. i took provera to bring my period my period came august 13. i took them days 5-9 which was august 17.i didnt monitor temp or i have no clue when i ovulated. i just took the pills and forgot about it. BAM on october 9 i found out i was 9 weeks prego with my now 4yr old trying to conceive baby #2.
i started provera and clomid again this past august. period came on august 12. took clomid on the 14th doing days 3-7 now. i used clearblue opk thought i would never get a positive opk cause i was past the usual 14th day....finally got a positive opk on cd 23 september 3...late but at least i got a + opk....2ww drove me crazy...whelp no came on september 17...this time no provera needed af came on its own...which means i really did ovulate... so i started clomid this month on the 19th...ovulated earlier this month. bd every other day starting 2 days after af was done. positive opk on cd 18 october 4th this time. good sign i ovulated earlier. conincidently i bd the 2 days before ovulation, the day of and the day after. i think i covered all basis...was cramping for 3 days after ovultion...hope thats a good sign...expecting af on october hopefully she nevers shows. this 2ww will be hard because im so tempted...but i know its too early...ill keep you guys posted...
im new to this forum. and ive read many of these posts...congrats nbetty ive read your progression and now success...hopefully i get a bpf soon
hi Workingonafullhouse
we are in the same boat my cycles are long as hopefully we get our bfp together keep us updated...btw...are you ttc naturally or fertility meds? if you dont mind me asking....
This is my first cycle trying and we are giving it a go naturally. I had a check-up prior to this to see about the long cycles and they had no explaination so we will see how it goes. I would love to hear from you, hopefully that you get a BFP so please keep me posted!
ok. well at least you get an af on your own. unlike me i dont get one om my own i need a litte help they are so irregular. good luck with your first cycle hopefully this will be your month. BABY DUST TO ALL.... Ladies good luck...
Hi I was wondering if anyone could give any advice or opinion? This is the my first time on a pregnancy site, I dont know all the terms so please bare with me. Ive done lots of ready but really need my own questions answered. Im going out of my mind, Im crying as I write this. My husband and I have been trying for nearly 2 years. And every month I cry because I get my period. this month has been different though Im experiencing period symptoms too?? I started cramping 6 days after I ovulated and it hasnt stopped. Period is due in 4 days. I have had nausa, mild cramping, dull cramping, extreme cramping, even going into my bottom wt**??? to the point it almost feels like my period is coming on with that full sensation and that only started yesterday. My b___sts hurt my eating and bloating and wind is shocking and all over the place, Im waking up with headaches, im so angry then so happy and I cry every single day several times a day over the strangest things. Im waking up with sweats and i feel sick if the shower is too hot?? Ive done 5 pregnancy tests but they have all been neg... Have I tested to early..?? Oh im so over this I feel like an emotional head case. Its got to a point I dont know if im crying because we have wanted this for so long or its in my head my cramps get worse when Im upset or angry... Im so confused please someone give me some advice? x
How are you and sorry that you've had no success for 2 years of trying to conceive. i know this is a very emotional roller coaster for many. you should speak to your doctor to see what the problem is. you get a period every month which is a good thing which means you do ovulate. maybe your eggs arent mature enough to be fertilized. so i would talk to your OB or go to a RE to see if they can give you a med maybe to boost up the maturity of your eggs. they may start you on the first line of defense a med called clomid and take it from there. but i do wish you luck. you're having all these symptoms this month so i do hope this is your month and hope you get a bfp soon...good luck and lots of baby dust your way...
how are you? anything? we were on the same boat...hope you have good news and got your on 11dpo now and caved in and tested bfn :( but im hoping that it means it was still too early to test. so i will give it a few more days to retest. update me...would love to hear that you got your least someone did...good luck and lots of baby dust
LongLocks, even though I got my positive 4 days before my period was due, I was using a digital test that is possible to give an early positive, so I would say you are testing too early and you should wait until at least the day your period is due. Even then, the hormone may not have built up enough, so don't get disheartened if it's still negative.
I am 11dpo now and I am holding out until Monday to test, I am working until then so I hope it goes by quickly. So far the cramping has tapered off and now my BBs are enlarged and sore but that's par for the AF course so we'll see. I hope you test again and get a BFP! Let us know! I will post after I test.
Hello ladies seems I'm in the same boat with a lot of you, I've been trying for 11 months now and my doctor says all is well. I've always had a very regular cycle of 27 days but since I started trying its gone crazy. This month though I made up my mind not to try so I can relax a bit from the roller coaster of emotions.I didn't chart cos I didn't want to worry. Strangely, on day 22. Of my cycle I felt the muscles of my private contracting like when I'm having AF went to the bathroom to check and it was brown blood, it came on and off for the rest of the day. It was quite light though didn't need a pad. Want to believe its implantation bleeding but I haven't had any more symptoms just slight twitches in my lower abdomen not strong enough to be called cramps. What do you make of that? Today is day 27 expecting AF tomorrow. Goodluck to all of us waiting on the two weeks.
I tested twice and both were BFN, hopefully next month will be my month. Best wishes to everyone!
Sorry to hear about your BFN... I was hoping to hear some good news from you. How long is your cycle? Don't give up just yet maybe you're still testing too early. Today is now 13dpo I'm trying to still be positive maybe you should give it until your AF comes...good luck...if not keep me dust your way