Cramping 5 6 Days After Ovulation
499 Replies
Preciousmoni- I am sorry to hear about the pcos, my sister has it and eventually she conceived on her own. But since you're on clomid sounds like you're already on the right track, plus you haven't gotten af yet so don't lose faith yet!
Dallas.nicole- I am completely convinced that you're pregnant! And it's driving me crazy you haven't poas yet, I understand your hesitation but I so want you to see that bfp!
As for me I'm only 3dpo trying to keep my mind off of it and not make up symptoms in my head however I can't help but notice that my bbs are unusually sore, simcewmy cycle is long and af isn't due for me for another 2 weeks it's way early in my cycle for my bbs to feel this way, but my body is funky lol. Also I had extremely vivid dreams last night and hubby said he had a dream I was pregnant, I don't invest anything in the pregnancy dreams, as for the vivid dreams, who knows! It's so early I'm trying not to think of it and drive myself crazy!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some BFPs!
Geez, okay. I'll pee on one of my internet cheapies.. I have like 10. But I'm only 9dpo. It's gonna be negative lol
hi there long time...glad to see you didnt abandon the forum ;) also happy to hear that your dpo are flying right on by. before you know it your tww will be over and you'll be posting that bfp. when do you plan on testing? you said dallas.nicole is strong cause she doesnt seem tempted to poas which is so true. but i can say the same for you. you were the same way last month. i give credit to the both of you. much luck and baby dust to us getting those bfps
Opk is almost positive though...
That's weird.
Not quite positive, but there shouldn't be that much LH in my body after O, right?
lol did it? why you didnt at least do it tomorrow am with fmu? i was going to try tomorrow or friday just for the heck of it
ok ok it goes im going to try it be right back...hahahah!!!!! only have clearblue digitals i expect a not pregnant to of the next time i will test is i guess sunday on my own and i have a gyn appointment on monday so they'll be testing to...
i looked that up to before some women have done an opk and hpt and got a positive opk they ended up pregnant or were already pregnant...but they say sometimes it happens although opk detect lh and htp detects hcg...sometimes a pregnant woman gets a positive opk...look it up "can you use an opk as a hpt"
lol ok that darn bfn here also
Might try with fmu if negative, then no more testing until the 14th!!
I feel like hell today. Didn't test today either. I'm pretty sure I'm just incredibly sick my dress pants felt a little tight today. I wear that pair all the time because they're comfortable. I must just be bloated a little.
See I think thisis your month...I feel nada, ziltch, absolutely nothing I'm telling you I'm sooo out...I tested again this morning with a first response early "6 days before period" so they say..but once again another negative...:( oh well I guess I'll try again next month...but I hope you get that bfp that will make my day
I still have no cramps though.. I remember the "pregnancy cramps" from before. But I suppose they could have started after my bfp and I just don't remember because we weren't trying. I was told at 15 by a crack pot doctor that I could never conceive on my own and after 4 not so safe, unprotected years, I get pregnant. I brought it up to my OB/GYN and he said everything looked normal soooo idk lol I'm telling you though...I think Robitussin did the trick in February when I got pg. I took it the day before and the day of ovulation this month, just to test my theory. I may have hostile cm. It's ALWAYS thick and I actually saw EWCM on ov day this month. Though not much. I had to "milk" my cervix to get it.
Wow, this is why I never check CP after ovulation. It's high, rock hard and feels very open. It has felt closed the last few days though it could be nothing because it changes constantly after o for me. If I checked it later it might be low, soft, closed, etc. Lol
I tried to check my cervix one time but to be honest lol I don't know what I'm feeling that plan went out the window...right now I'm having some af like cramps and feel bloated...but its too early my lp is 14-15 hopefully af stays away *{fc}*
I just read in a book about PCOS.In the book "The fastest way to get pregnant naturally", suggests patients establish diabetic diet. Too much insulin production stimulates ovaries to produce male- type hormones that interfere in normal menstrual cycle. It is important to loose weight and to avoid b___ter and lard. That means to avoid cookies and cakes,because they are full of them. Use olive , flaxseed oil instead.I know a couple with this condition after 15 months of treatment got preg with a help of IUI-intrauterine insemination.Also she had factor 5 blood clot disorder and she found out at 32 weeks preg. Doctors gave no treatment for that. It was too close to the end of preg. Carla the Bubblelush tells her story on youtube: from preg to delivery.What a nice gift for her daughter! She will be thrilled to watch it!
PLease avoid any meds, unless your doctor prescribes. Treat your colds with raw honey and teas, hot baths and gargle throat with salt water. This way my grandmother and mother in Europe treated the worst bronchitis ever and flu. Fetal exposed to meds first trimester can develop gastroschisis( birth defect of the fetal abdomen where the abdominal wall is not formed, leaving internal organs exposed)
Go for a powerwalks! I beleave it helps implantation! Gallons of blood rushes through the uterus!
I am glad you, girls staying optimistic in tough times. WE are the freshmen in this field! We'll see if November is the lucky one. Any BFP? You're in my thoughts! Billion baby stardusts!
ok so here i go again looking for some answers, my last period was october 1st, i do have unprotected s_x with my bf very offten apparently my ovulation date was the 15th of october and i kno i had s_x everday from the 10-18th, now on the 25th of october i went to the doctors for a blood test becuz i havent been feeling like myself well that same day i had the blood work done i came home to spotting more discharge then blood only happend twice and only when i wipped, the blood test came back neg, now if what i had was implantation bleeding no wonder the blood test came back neg writ? i was due to start my period on the 28th of october here i am still waiting, i did go in for another blood test on tuesday of this week i will get the results tomorrow what do u guys think could i be preg? not to mention all the symptoms iv been having includeing a faint + thought maybe it was a faulty test becuz digital said " not pregnant " is there still a chance?