For Those Of Us Waiting Let S Share Signs Amp Symptoms
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I am 9 DPO as of today and I definately feel weird. I thought it might be fun to share with each other what we're feeling as each day passes. Here are my signs: 5 DPO - B--ts began to tingle, feel electric and get achy. I felt cramps for most of the afternoon which subsided by evening. 6 DPO - B--ts were still tingling and achy. Began to notice some very small veins show from under areola. 7 DPO - Took a test with FMU, BFN. Just as I had thought it would be. B--ts still achy and tingling with more noticable veins running toward my nipples. Speaking of nipples, very sensitive on very tips... like a sunburn would feel if touched. 8 DPO - B--ts still achy and now very firm and full. Felt almost flu-like symptoms by late afternoon and laid down to take a nap. Went to bed early. 9 DPO - B--ts are driving my crazy!! Very full.. very achy... not necessarily sore to the touch but they are hurting all day long. Having very strong cramping and what feel like little pokes or twinges in my right side. Mouth seems extra watery today.. very grose!! I HATE spit!! Feel tired, light headed and heavy. I have decided to wait until at least 12 DPO to test again. If I'm not pregnant... I'm most certainly getting very sick!! I would love to hear from the other woman who are waiting and wondering. I love to share and compare symptoms to see which ones are the most repeated. Let's all wait-it-out together... come on BFPs!!!!
Waiting here too - I am due for AF on the 18th - but who knows if she will show up! My b___sts started aching about 5 days before my normal PMS aches - and I have lots of little bumps around the areola as well. The worst part? I've been burping almost uncontrollably for 4 days now! What is this? I also feel very nauseaus, but that has only been for 2 days now, but has never been a monthly "ache" for me before.... If I get a BGN then I definitely have the flu!
lisa-you sound very pg to me. exact symptoms as i had when i got pg in dec. (i miscarried at about 2 wks). your fatigue sounds very promising. good luck to you!!!
Well im a newey here and to the pg plan, but christ i have had some weird feelings (caution as to symtoms!). Day 30 now and wondering after symtoms somewhat diminished yet neurosis continues, i seriously wonder how women cope mentally waiting for D day! My symtoms as follows: tingling sensation in b___sts followed by seriously stabbing pains. These continued for a week and pain literally directed itself to nipples, horrible feeling- nipples remain red and erect all the time. Was feeling horendously moody, dizzy, hot and faint for one week. Dids test early which was Ng. Breasts never enlarged but felt tender inwards. Anywayall of a sudden felt perfectly normal and sane again and remain in waiting mode. Convincing myself to wait for test for another week, painful i know but what do you think?
I'm going crazy here too! I'm due for AF tomorrow and don't feel like it. Felt like it last Thursday though....... Have had the cramping, excess saliva, bumps around the areolas, and had some nausea last week. Also felt lightheaded and dizzy... And very ga__sy!!!! I've taken 3 tests so far and all of them have been -!!! If I'm not pregnant, then something is seriously wrong with me!! Also I can't seem to keep my eyes open past 10 pm and I normally am able to stay up till 1am!!! I have a friend who's a radiologist so she's going to let me come to her clinic this evening for a freebis ultrasound!!!! Good to have friends in high places.......
My hubby and I are trying to get preg. We had s_x on the 5th and he came in me..I was ovulating. Im due to get my period about the 20th-22nd within those far my b___sts are sore. They usually get kinda sore about 3-4 days b4 my period but they have been hurting sense the 8th...I want to be pregnant so bad. My only syptoms are sore b___bs and im sleepy a lot. oh and toothaches? idk about that tho.. lol! Well babydust to all of you and keep me posted it will be intresting to see who all ends up being pregnant! I have a gut feeling I am but its like I really want to be, so you never know...
Ebun, I'm in the same boat AF due tomorrow but don't feel like it but I did the end of last week. Took test BFN. I have nausea and dizziness feel like I did with first pregnancy. Why the neg result?
It's probably due to low levels of HCG or something, not quite sure. But I'm off for my ultrasound. I'm dying to know what's going on with me. Wishing you all the best.
I'm new here!! Weird strange things happening to me!! I have been soo tired lately! I fell asleep 2 days in a row at like 10:00 pm and I usually don't even get tired until 1:00-1:30 (due to being in university and pulling all nighters to study/do homework! lol) And I almost fell asleep on the bus today going to school at 12:00 even though I slept for 8 hours last night! I have been soooo today I wanted to cry because I had to wait 15 minutes for the bus and I snapped at my boyfriend, and usually I don't get that moody before af. I have had a dull ache when I move or pick up heavy things kinda along my bikini line. My b___bs are very sore right now...and something weird happened to one of my kinda looks like it is "opening up" (i dont know how to describe it and I don't know if this is somehting that happens in pregnant women! Anyone know???) They have seemed alot bigger for the past week or so. And like 4 days ago I had cramps for a couple days which were not normal cramps for me. My af cramps come in waves and these were just a dull ache! And also I have been getting very nauseous at certain times of the day and sometimes it's very hard for me to keep food down!! And I've been feeling little twinges in my uterus which is so weird for me!
I don't know if I am pregnant or not...if not then I think I'm sick because my body never does this before I get af! I'm supposed to get af today or tomorrow! I just wanna know!!!!!
welcome to the waiting club, tasha :) your symptoms sound promising. i would cry and get anxious for absolutely no reason when i was pg. my b___bs felt fuller as well. you said you were supposed to get AF today or tomorrow? are chances good that you're pg (do you know when you ovulated)?
I am 10 dpo, and I have had a lot of cramping from side to side, almost throbbing in the pelvic region. This is my biggest symptom! I am abnormally hungary. I am not usually a big eater. Perhaps it is just PMS. I always have aching b___bs before my period. I can't see any real physical changes in them, which I would of expected. They hurt though. I am not usually a great sleeper at night, and the last week I have slept soundly, and it is quite difficult to get up in the morning. I almost pa__sed out this morning while getting ready for work, which was unusual. My husband and I are not seriously trying, this is our first real month of trying. I am expecting my period this week. Good luck to you!
Yikes...I kind of hope I'm not pregnant. I mean I LOVE kids and I've wanted them since I was like 15 (no way i would have had them then tho!!) But right now I'm in my 1st year of university ( Child and Youth I am only 19 and it would be VERY hard to take care of a baby and go to school! But whenever I thought it before I never felt like this...and I have a feeling...but I dunno! Guess i just gotta wait and see! The waiting game sucks so bad! I just wanna know...lmao...but i dont know cause me and my bf do it all the time so I don't keep track or anything!!
Well, I did the ultrasound and there's no baby but there's 2 ovarian cysts, one in each ovary...... Now, I gotta go to my doctor..... Guess it's kinda good that I was having these symptoms, would have never known about these cysts........ I'm so sad though...... I want a baby soooooooooooo bad!!!
Ebun, So sorry ! Maybe once you get the cysts taken care of things will go your way. Goodluck. I'm 11 dpo, b___bs started hurting 5dpo first one then the other. Still hurting, maybe I got use to the pain, but they seem to hurt less. I have been extremely tired usually up past 3 or 4 but can't stay up past 12 now. Took a test yesterday and it was a BFN. DH so dissapointed. We m/c 10/04. AF due 3/17 so am still hopeful. Has anyone had a sore throat? Baby dust to you all...
i have a question how early can pregnancy signs begin to start? somebody plz answer a.s.a.p
Ok... So, you have written my story to a TTTTTTTTTT......
Just add a little sporatic crabbiness to your list. I can't wait to find out....
Good Luck and let me know how you are feeling. I am torn between thinking "This is it.... and "Just PMS"
Ebun, I'm sorry to hear about the cysts. Let me know what the doc says to do. I'm prone to them as well and haven't had a follow up since an abnormal pap. I hope all works out for you maybe you'll get a baby next month!