Implantation Bleeding Pg1328144586

16 Replies
Jane29 - February 1

I am currently at day 16 of my regular 25 day cycle and I've noticed some light pink bleeding when I wipe. It just started about 4 hours ago but it is a little heavier now. I'm not due for my pd for another 9 days and I have been pretty regular for the past 8 months. Could this be implantation bleeding?


allison4758 - February 3

i am where you are i started having brown spotting and little pink 9 days before my period im still experiencing it and its still 3 days till my period. GO to my post of asking if its implantation bleeding. a women wrote on there saying my situation was similar to hers and she was pregnant. There is a possibility that it is implantation bleeding.


Jane29 - February 4

Good to know. It seemed to take a day off and then I noticed a little bit of brown spotting. Not supposed to get my pd until the 10th so I'm hoping that this is the case! Good luck! I hope you are too!


allison4758 - February 4

Yeah its crazy i just wonder what it is, i cant be my period because it was 9 days before and barely anything and brown and it still going. its on and off and its brown and now has some bit of red and ended for now. So we'll see, update me when you know, and dont test until your missed period and test again a week later if its a negative , then go see a doctor if you still think your pregnant. Also your period can end up being lighter and you can still be pregnant because its not technically a period.


Jane29 - February 4

When is your pd due? Mine is Friday.. so hopefully on Saturday I'll have some good news! Fingers crossed! (For me and you!)


allison4758 - February 5

mine is due on Monday the 3rd, i am still having brown and some red now spotting. All started the 29th and whats crazy is i look on a ovulation calendar and if i was to get pregnant around that time that i would start to have spotting on the 29th which i did. so who knows. I hope you get great news :)


allison4758 - February 5

i mean monday the 6th


sharona819 - February 7

I had implantation bleeding at day 17 or so of my cycle and I am now pregnant. It was only a couple of drops of blood or so, no steady bleeding. The weird thing is that it still took me until I was 5 days late for my period before I tested positive on an HPT, which I would think it would be earlier since the implantation was on day 17. Anyways, sounds like yours could be IB except that I don't know if it should be getting heavier...


allison4758 - February 7

Mines not getting heavier its been the same amount its either all brown or some brown and pink. Yesterday on the 6th was suppose to be my period i got some red and brown but i dont even have to wear a tampon its so light, and its not getting heavier do idk yet, its hard because all this spotting has thrown me off


wishiwasamummy - February 7

Hi. I'm currently at 10 dpo and noticed bright pink spotting when I went to the bathroom yesterday and this morning. I checked through the day yesterday and the bright pink eventually became a tiny bit of brown and disappered. But it came back again this morning, and I've had stomach cramps for the past couple of days. I'm really worried because last cycle I had the same thing happen and I was sure it was implantation bleeding but it continued right up to my AF due date and my blood test came back with very low hcg levels and it ended up being a chemical pregnancy. I was so sure this month was it, and now I'm terrified the same thing is happening again. I'm scheduled for a blood test on the 14th (16 dpo) but that seems like forever to wait. Has anyone had the same thing happen?


Jane29 - February 9

Allison4758 . . any word?


Jane29 - February 9

wishiwasamummy - I had the same thing happen a few months ago and it ended up being a chemical pregnancy. This time, I did have some spotting but it stopped after a few days. So I have my hopes up! I still have to wait a few days before I find out. It's torture! But try to keep a positive att_tude(I know easier said than done..) but stress does have effects on your body!


allison4758 - February 10

Nope havent tested yet i will tomorrow my period was suppose to start on the 6th, it just continued spotting till the 8th and completely stopped so idk


wishiwasamummy - February 16

Hello ladies. I just wanted to update you. While I had all the same symptoms that I'd had when I got a positive pregnancy test last time, this time I got negatives right up to AF. I'm discovering that the symptoms can be very misleading!! Hope you're all having better luck than me x


Jane29 - February 16

Sad! Hang in there!!! Hopefully it will happen soon!


lms89 - March 28

allison4758, did you end up taking a test? if so were you pregnant?


allison4758 - March 28

Hey ims89 it said I wasn't pregnant but there still a chance I haven't went in to get blood work done but I have might have gotten pregnant after that



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