I will keep details vague but as adults keep in mind of the TMI facts.
I had the Mirena IUD for 5 years and was removed 5/2/17. I had a three day period starting 5/25/17. My SO and I are TTC. Today is 6/18/17 and I do not expect my period to start for another 7 days.
Yesterday 6/17/17 around 8pm I started a very faint pink-mucus like discharge that only was seen when wiped after urination. This light pink lasted through the night. This morning, after I wiped the color was more of a brown-pink mucus and stayed that way until around 5pm tonight.
Now that is has been 24 hrs since the pink mucus started, it has turned into a red mucus, but not like a period consistency. I am wearing a pad but it's not needed because the color only shows when I wipe after urination. No cramping like my usual periods, so my mind is running crazy.
My question is: Based on my last period, it's probable that implantation could have started, perhaps my period came early, or there is a chance of an early miscarriage. Please, any insight, thoughts or experiences that will help?
I am waiting a week before headed to the doc to see how everything plays out.