Miscarriage? Or Implantation Bleeding?

1 Replies
Confuused_Teen - February 28

Hello, I'm 16 years old about 4 days ago my period had ended but it came back again today, I had sex about a week before I got my period and when I got it I was 2 days without having so much blood but after an incident happened and I got mad and stressed and right after that a lot of blood was coming out my skirt was stained and I had a lot of blood coming out  for a full week, I had to change my pad like 2 times a day and it lasted more than usual, my period usually lasts 4 days, everybody has been saying that I lost a lot of weight and I haven't ate much these days, I felt deppresed but now I'm worried if this was a miscarriage I went through or what is it? I been checking if I'm loosing a lot of blood but im not, its just brown blood coming out. 


Grandpa Viv - March 1

If you have pretty regular menstrual cycles, ovulation occurs about 14 days before your next period begins. The egg is good for only one day but sperm can lie in wait for five days. Once the egg is fertilized it implants in the uterus about five days after ovulation and early pregnancy signs can begin - weird cramps and maybe implantation spotting. A pregnancy test is best left until the regular period comes up missing or light.

You may have had a very early miscarriage or in this case a failed attempt at implantation. This is not uncommon and your body should be able to handle it without any problem. Brown blood is old blood and there can only be so much of it. I think you will be just fine in a few days.

If you have only recently become sexually active, this would be a good time to get educated about your "fertile window" and "methods of contraception".



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