My Period Is A Week Late Tomorrow
3 Replies
Hi, last month my period was 5 days late and on the 6th day, my cycle came. It was heavy and painful (as usual). This month, my period is a whole week late tomorrow. I have cramps like AF is coming, gas and fatigue. I want to take a HPT but I don't want to be let down. Also, had a MC in year early 2012 and haven't been pregnant since but I've been trying.
Baby dust to you! Three years of no luck should be taking you to a fertility specialist. Maybe you just need a hormone shot. Are you temperature charting to pinpoint if and when you are ovulating?
I took my HPT yesterday and finally got my BFP!
Congratulations. That should work out to a due date the first week of January. Time to start those prenatal vitamins.