Pregnancy Symptoms Just 5 Days After Conception
407 Replies
welllll my af is 2 days late now. getting cramping in mornings and night when my bladder is full. still got all the other stuff.
Time will tell!!!
well, im 2 days late for my af now, or three if youre supposed to count the day of your af being due. Still no sign of af coming. got sent home from work yesterday for being poorly, so think i've picked up a bug to go with my bad cold!
I tested this am on a cheap 'reveal' test. I was sure I could see a faint line so i tested with the clear blue digital with conception indicator and it saiid...
so i havent got a clue whats going on....
Hi Ladies, I posted a while back when this thread wasn't as active as it is now so I wanted to join in! bblou, I am also 2 days late and feel cramping in the mornings and night. I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet because my af has been known to sometimes come on day 33/34 so I'm going to wait til tomorrow. What other symptoms are you having?
well, i got a cold and a possible stomach bug so they might be related or unrelated. got headaches, lethargy, moodiness but im often moody lol, um.. achey legs, itchy ears and skin, sore nipples, felt weird bubbley feeling in uterus one time but someone said that woulda been wind lol, speaking of wind, lots of that. peeing more.
but yeh, still havent had a positive test. so im maintaining that i'm imagining it all!!!
does that ovulation test really work ??? i was planing to buy one, well i havent actually tried conceiving ,its jjust one mnth only.
i got a fertility monitor. clear blue. havent used it yet. only been trying one month lady lol. im 25 and so is partner.
Hope were both just intune with our bodies and not positively insane xx
May was my first month using the clear blue ovulation tests before then I was using cheapo CVS/Walmart brands, maybe it will make a difference maybe not, we'll see, lemme know how the monitor goes... Ditto, insanity is not what we need most right now, haha.
lol! i will. gonna play with it if my af comes :)
be carefull everyone, i had pregnacy tests come back saying i was pregnant, was geting mornin sickness, went for my ultrasound for my dating scan ( would of been 8 weeks) and turns out there wasnt a baby there was a cyst that was releasing the pregnacy hormones, now i have PCOS(polycystic ovaries) i had surgery to remove the cyst that was the siz of a apple. there r still alot more in there. i have a 20% chance of having children. so girls be carefull
Lady, any news? My af is threatening me today... sharp twinges... but im not gunna sulk til I see it lol
Its not looking good, mild cramps and (tmi coming up) I found 2 spots when I wiped this afternoon, but so far af has not 'officially' arrived....
hope its nothing, but sorry if it isnt!!
My sharp twinges went away and now I have back ache.
So probably not looking good for me either lol
Ahwell, there's always next month!!
Took test 3 days early it was negative. Now started my period. :( will try again this month I guess
No AF this morning but still feeling bloated and cramping...I wonder if I should wait it out for another week to take a test or if I should just take it it bad juju if I wait another week? I feel like I would be pestimistic if I did...
bad juju?
I got sent home from work today for being ill and feeling dizzy so went to docs. she thinks i either pregnant or have a virus so gotta take sample to her tomorrow morn to sent to hospital.