Ttc 14dpo Real Symptoms Or Mind Baby
2 Replies
Hi ladies. Post virgin here looking for thoughts and encouragment.
Here's my back story so u girls understand. So dh and I have had 3 mcs and tgen a daughter in August 2011 that died during an emcs due to a tight umbilical cord:( we were crushed and hadn't ttc in over a year. So this year in October we talked about trying without trying to hard. So far no luck. So this Christmas we find out my brother in law and his new gf are pregnant ...I was happy and miserable at the same time.( our daughter would of been the 1st grandbaby on both sides and was sad that we lost that chance) Now during December I o'd around the 22-24 and we were def doing it a lot and trying a lot. Ya know a handstand after the deed trying. And since about 6dpo I've have crazy symptoms. Sore bbs, nauseous at night just like my other pregnancys, mild day long headaches, metal mouth once a day, constipation, light head, lower back pain and mild cramping plus sensitivity to smell. So now I'm going crazy as to what's really going on. I poas on 9 and 10 days dpo both bfn and I know it was early plus tgey were $store test. Af is due in two to three days and I feeling like its here or will be any minute but no red yet. I felt this way my whole first trimester last time so I'm hoping maybe just maybe this might be real. So instead of driving dh crazy I id ask u girls. So if ur still reading this book thank you and please let me know what ya'll think. Thanks babes baby dust to all.
It sounds promising to me. Hold off as long as you can before testing again. GL!
Thanks Grandpa Viv. Im trying not to get my hopes up. It seems too good to be true and when the news of my bro-in-law and his girl having one on the way I thought maybe its all in my head lol. I hope not. Im waiting till the end of next week to test again if AF doesnt show. :fingers cross: thanks again!