I am a day late...tested last night, cuz I'm too impatient...and got a BFN. So sad today, but maybe I will try again on Saturday if AF doesn't come by then. It is so upsetting to be putting myself through this every month. How does everyone deal with it!
Hi everyone.... I guess you could say I am late...very late... MLP was oct.30/05. That's right 13 weeks ago, which should make me about 3 mos pregnant, if i am indeed pregnant??? I did 2 HPT... the first in nov & the 2nd in mid dec. My doctor did one in dec and all of these tests were negative. So january 14 he did a blood test and it was negative too. I have had all kinds of pregnancy symptoms.... it is enough to drive a person crazy. Now i just want my AF to come so that i can get back to TTC. We have been TTC for 7 months and i have never been this late before. Anyone know if you can still get BFN's in blood tests and HPT's this far along at 13 weeks.
Thanks....i will keep you posted
Well I finally found out what was wrong. I got A BFP on Friday, Im so shocked and excited Good luck to all of you!
I am actually 9 days late. I took a test a week ago and got a negative, Then went to the doctor yesterday and got a blood test and got a negative. I am going crazy. This is the longest I've ever gone without AF in my life. I feel so depressed. Not only am i not preggo according to the doctors, but AF doesn't even want to pay me a visit. My mother in law still thinks I'm preggo, just ovulated late and the egg hasn't made its way. I don't know, but would a blood test still pick up an fertilized egg without yet fully implanting in the uterus. Any biology majors out there? Love to hear your spin on it.
Hi all, my last period was at the beginning of Dec...since then I've had a hpt, 2 blood tests, and all negative. Today I had another blood test, have heaps of symptoms, queasy, no vomiting though, lotiony cm, heavy bloating and in the last couple of days, some cramping, like my period's about to start...This waiting is driving me crazy. Also will be seeing my gyno tomorrow, so hopefully will have some news.
Hi all, I'm 3 days late, just got off bc last month. Still hoping for a BFP. Tested day af was due, and bfn. Going to try to hold out a few more days before testing again, but feel lots of symptoms. Hope it's not af getting ready to show!
KJONES.............. CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS WONDERFUL!!!!!! I bet u are so excited :)
just thought I would let you know am still late, infact no period since 2nd dec... my bbs are quite a bit bigger now too... I was meant to have another blood test last wednesday but will hopefully have one tomorrow if they can squeeze me in!!?!??!?! hey such a huge congratulations to you KJONES!!!! I'm soooo excited for you! hope to join you in your boat! did you get a BFP on a urine of blood test?????
C xx
Hi all, I am currently 10 days late. Went to the doc to get a test done at 6 days late. Results came back inconclusive. He wants me to come back on Thurs with my first morning pee. He felt it was too early to test. Other than the late period I have no other pregnancy signs. We will see what happens...it may just have been one of those months...Ill get you ladies updated though if you like.
Both well I took a urine test last Friday on the 3rd, I took it with Clear Blue Ditial and Dollar tree brand and they were both positive and then yesterday I had a blood test done and it turned out positve but she said that ut must be very early in the pregnancy because the hcg levels are very low( 112) she said I needed to go in next Monday to check them again because they should double by next week. She scared me because she said if they go down that means I could be having a miscarraige. I wish she wouldnt have told me that now Im worried.
Im still really confused because my last period was Dec.5th and I didnt get one on Jan5-6 but I ovulated on Jan 24th so I have no idea how far along I am
I am 12 days late, hoping i am pregnant, 3 clear blue easy tests, all neg, i go to the doc tomarrow
im 2 days late as of today..... lots a weird symptoms for the last 3 -4 months nausia in the mornin and when im around certin foods sometimes cant even talk bout food, gaind a pound (not taht im skinny or nething), lotsa headaches but i do suffer from migraines these are different and irratic, tired o so tired, every thing i eat tastes like ciggarette smoke or metal, and last month my period was weird only lasted 3 days and verry light (im normally very heavy) and this it TMI but there was what looked liek a pice a fleshy skin when i wiped and all my blood was verry brown not red liek usual TESTING TOMORROW .... is anyone else....hopefully its +++ i also did a test 2 weeks ago and i swear i saw a faint line where the + was posta be we'll see
Im testing tomorrow...would love to hear your results and Ill let you know mine. Went to doc last week with a inconclusive result. He told me to come back and retest with my morning pee instead tomorrow. I have no pregnancy symptoms, so dont really know what the results will be. Im thinking negative but it strange b/c Ive never missed a period before.
To Kjones...People at the doctor's office can be insensitive when they talk about mis-carriage.. They just keep blabbering things about possibilities which may or may not be true for everyone. Let it not bother you...Enjoy your pregnancy..
I am 3 days late. STill BFN. My period is always really regular. Have tons of symptoms, but am afraid they are just in my head. What is the longest anyone has heard it took someone to get a BFP (after they were late)?