After work this morning I called the OBGYN and we scheduled an appointment for this Friday at 10:30a.m. Being my first visit, I must admit that I am quite nervous and unsure as to what is to be expected. Also, I am nursing this irrational fear that upon examination the doctor will discover that I am not pregnant though I tested positive twice last week. I would just feel terrible if I wasted his time, time which could have been given to someone in more need than myself. It really is quite irrational. I've decided that I am going to test again later this afternoon to help ease my worry. Is there anything specific I need to prepare for in terms of this first appointment? Any questions I should be certain to ask?
Congratulations. Now is the time you should be taking prenatal vitamins for the folate content. The doctor will be happy to see you, though in other countries they usually wait until you miss a second period. Good luck!
I'll tell you how my first appt went but keep in mind everyone's is probably a little different. First i saw the doctor and she did an internal exam and felt the size of my uterus to make sure it felt the approprate size for how far along i was. She also did a pap smear. Then she went over what i could expect over the next nine months. Like how often i would have appts, symptoms i might be experiencing stuff like that. she wrote a prescription for prenatal vitamins, although i just used Target brand ones. Then she gave me an order to have my blood drawn, which for me was just down the hall. Be aware they draw quite a bit your first visit. You may or may not get an ultrasound, it's really not necessary to confirm a pregnancy but if you are unsure about dates or something dosen't seem right your doc may order one. It's always a good idea to ask questions, make sure you write them down on a piece of paper as it is easy to forget when so much info is being thrown at you. No question is stupid and your doctor should be happy to address any concerns you have (hint: if they seem annoyed by them or they rush you, you may want to rethink if this is the right doc for you) And that fear that you are afraid you are not really pregnant, I had that too, in fact i think many women do, but keep in mind that false positives are very rare, 2 tests are more than enough to confirm you are pregnant. Good luck, any other questions you have i'll try my best to answer.
Always be truthfull and open with your doctor. dont lie about things like eating or what not. I use to lie that I cut down on sugar content yet i was eating boxes of cupcakes lol.