Help Me Pleaseeee 2 Missed Period Help Mee
1 Replies
So I lost my virginity 07/31/09, And I was supposed to get my period The first, So I thought i was gonna get it a lil late, But I waited and waited and nothing, I had cramps, backache, headaches, and BLOATING, so a week later I did a Home test and it was NEGATIVE[First Week]. A week after that I did Another one and It was NEGATIVE[Second week], So I did made an appoinment to make sure & It was a urine test at the doctors, and it also came out NEGATIVE[ Third Week] so Now it's been a month and this is my second missed period, And honestly im nervous i Dont know what to think, According to my friends its all Im not getting my period because im all stressed out. Please help me out =[
S_x a day or two before a regular period is due is very low risk. You ovulate a couple of weeks before your period, and the egg is only good for a day or two. If you had gotten pregnant fooling around (without penetration) in the middle of July, one of your recent urine tests would have shown positive. Do one more test to double convince yourself. Your cycle is likely in a hormonal uproar from the experience of first s_x. Relax and your cycle will get back to normal. In the meantime go buy some condoms and v____al spermicide, or talk to your mom about going on the pill to regulate your cycle. GL!