Periods And Pregnancy Pg1303484018
4 Replies
I got my period last Friday and my boyfriend and I had s_x. My period has always lasted 6 days no more or less but this month I only got it for 3 days. On top of that I feel sick, really sick. I don't know if its even a possibility that i'm pregnant. its obviously way to early to take a test. Am i just over reacting? or is it possible that i may be pregnant. Please comment and help me i am concerned and really dont know anything about being pregnant....
Thanks all...
Have you been having s_x right along? It sounds like you might be pregnant from s_xual exposure the last week of March. A shorter than normal period, nausea, headaches, backaches, hot flashes would be a confirmation. If this is the case, a pregnancy test this weekend would have a good chance of showing positive. Use first morning pee, and don't forget the prenatal vitamins. Let us know how it goes!
I had s_x during my period though. i have always had a sore back i feel sick alot more lately but no headaches unless im not wearing gla__ses i got hot flashes some times but im not sure if its from the nerves of school or not. my mom Just had my little sister and she couldnt take the vitamins so we have loads of them left so thats not a problem. the only time i can get out to get a test would be next friday night.... and it will be impossible to use my first morning pee... I'm nervous please help
If the only time s____n had a chance to get in your v____a was the first days of your period, it is very unlikely you are pregnant. The egg normally comes two weeks before your period, and only lasts a day. Are there any other signs your body is giving - appet_te, smells, b___st and nips, upset gut, peeing more, lotion discharge - PMS kind of stuff but unusual or not timely? If you can't take the test on first morning pee, at least take it after not drinking for several hours to make the pee more conentrated. The dip method would be best as it more closely approximates lab conditions. It the test is positive, take it and the wrapping home and leave it in the bathroom for your mum to find. GL!
Today my mom brought me home icecream and it made me feel really really sick. My body aches and i dont know what to do if im pregant my mom is going to freak because she just spent 5000 on a trip to europe but it would be right after the baby would be born so i wouldnt be able to go.... Im very scared that im pregant