Any Young Mommies Who Are Really Excited
96 Replies
We'll see what happens when you have the baby. I'm not saying it's not worth it because obviously I think it is since I'm ttc my 2nd. But it's hard and your bound to say so. You didnt say anything about thinking it was easier, I said IF you think it'll be easier think again. Some who plan their child think they will be super mom because it wasnt an oops and they think they are better equiped for the hard stuff when it's not true. That's my opinion and
YOU can deal with it. You'll be eating those words, watch.
For some reason my last post didnt go through. Anyway angelmonkey read my post. I said IF you think it'll be easier think again. Some people think they will be super mom because they ttc, because they will be better equiped because they wanted it. Bull. It's still just as hard. And we'll see if you never say it. I bet you'll be eating your words. Obviously I think it's worth it since I'm ttc # 2. They are wonderful, but they are also hard. That's MY opinion and YOU can deal with it.
angelmonkey, i honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Noone tried to change your views. You'll never say its difficult but you'll say its hard? That means the exact same thing. Thats all we were saying. Anyway, all of us that have children already dont hesitate to say its difficult. Because it is. More then i imagined while i was pregnant. You havnt even had your baby yet and you're saying you'll never say its difficult. Ha. Give it time. A week or 2 of sleepless nights and you'll be singing a different tune. Or be like me. Rylie was a very good baby. Slept good, ate good, wasnt that fussy. I thought i had it made. Now here she is going on 15 months and im eating my words. She is terrible most of the time and it is very difficult to keep a positive outlook sometimes. Now she wont sleep, she wont eat, we cant take her out anywhere b/c she throws a fit if she doesnt get her way. Its hard. Its difficult. Its all of the above. Just give it some time before you say you'll never say its hard/difficult. At least have the baby first. And can we please keep the forum non-b___hy. We have others to do that for us. ( and by the way, putting lol after typing something b___hy doesnt make it non-b___hy)
ahhh i love the people on this site!! you make my day everytime......... look i think that the people who find parenthood "difficult" are p__sed because there are people out there who find it easy, you can say no they dont but thats just because you dont. deal with it other people dont find it hard at all! i know about 3 people that have said that to me.............and secondly i dont have a chils so i dont know do i! jeesh im just saying i wont let it get difficult and only 1 person seems to understand what i mean by that so may i ask those of you who dont understand leave it dont answer. esperanza looks like me and you are the only ones who know how to view things differently lol
I lol'd because I thought it was funny that it's all the pregnant soon-to-be first time mothers against the already-have-kid(s) mothers... And they're still acting like we don't know what we're saying :P Anywho. I am in HEAVEN right now, Ellie had a fairly bad nights sleep but she's making up for it at the moment. She's been asleep for near two hours! :D Just wanted to share haha.
Our bad. We didnt rrealize you have the ability to see into the future. You're not even half way through your pregnancy and you're saying being a parent is easy. Ok. Have it your way since thats the only way you'll accept anyway. Have a happy, healthy pregnancy. Good Luck.
haha no newbabay read properly! i know 3 people that have told me they think parenting is easy! they all have 3kids each to! i then said hey i havnt had kids i wouldnt know!! jeesh read properly! amandas just miffed because other people find it easy and she doesnt! you cant argue what those people said! oh and those 3 people say its easy if you let it be easy thats my whole point! im not saying "it is easy"! i dont frickin know! get of your high horse
of course its difficult and challenging! Everyone is different and everyone views the word and adapts to how they deal with "difficult" situations! Its hard to explain.. what i am trying to say! I wasnt going off what everyone else was saying.. I wasnt judging them by what they said! * No im not accusing anyone else of doing that either* Its what and how they learned to handle the difficult_tes! I think this is a good example: If you go to visit lets say Guatemala their life style is different from ours in the US and everywhere else! Trying to adjust to their lifestyle from what you are so used to is difficult.. but to them its not so much because they have been doing it for so long! A parent who has lets say 2 or 3 kids.. knows how to handle the rough spots, more easily than lets say a new parent! Its all in the views! I SO HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE! if not please correct me!
exactly! amanda may find the fact elli doesnt sleep through the night or doesnt feed properly or one of those things but i may find it easy to deal with! everyont is different so non of us are right! :p
Uh.. lol.. I say parenting is difficult and hard because it is. Am I p__sed off at anyone ? Nooope. There are people who say "it's easy" but does that mean they don't have hard times? That there has not been a single difficult time? I can promise there is. It's all 100% worth it. I'd go through the ga__sy cries the screaming the biting the hitting everything to have the same end result. You'll understand when you actually have your baby.. it will come to that point where you sit down and say "Geesh, I am freakin' tired!" <--- HARD! Or "I wish I could get just an extra hour of sleep....." <--- OBVIOUSLY you're having hard times. But what parent doesn't ? Even my brother in laws wife who has 4 kids soon to be five still finds every bit of it difficult and she LOVES it so that makes every little thing of it "easy" in a sense. They have a 7, 6,4,2, year old and she's due way before me. Raising children is the hardest thing and the most rewarding thing I could ever do in my life. And I love every minute of it. I guess in a sense you could say that makes it "easy" but there are still hard times. For example, Addy woke up at 2 am last night and didnt' go back to sleep. She slept in our bed with us last night and it was the worst sleep I have gotten in a long time but I LOVED IT. :) And I love how she wakes me up every morning, I can hear her making little cute noises being a sweetheart talking to her stuffed animals. I even love when she spills my drink all over and I clean it up. Why? Because that's my little baby girl and she's worth every penny every moment.. everything. YEAH it's hard when she's beating on the kitten. Yeah it's hard to discipline her when she does things she shouldn't. No child is perfect, they all have their moments, and to everyone parenting has it's hard moments. It's to be expected!! Does it make you any less of a parent to admit "Yeah, raising kids are hard, but I LOVE every moment of it." NO! You're a great mom to admit, 'Yes, it's hard. Yes sometimes you want to cry.' Why ? because admitting your faults makes you stronger makes you better. No one person is perfect no one child is perfect. It's a part of life. All that matters is you raise your child and do everything for your child and you are a great mom, which I have all the faith in you that you can be. But there will be times where you will sit there and say "What the hell do I do?!?!?" and you'll ask for advice, or help. THAT IS FINE! We all do it. Even people who already have kids do it! There are gonna be difficult times, and you are going to love and enjoy it. I can promise ya that one.
ok i only read the begining of your post but your all like you,l understand when yu,ve had your baby.............. i do understand, i understand that i dont know what its like i dont know how i,ll handle it what i,ll find it, please uote me where i said "i think" paerenting is easy?? hmm? yeh thought so. im just saying i know 3 people that have said its difficult if you let be. some people are stronger than others! some people DO not find it hard or difficult, just because you lot do it doesnt mean everyone does! obiously your going to argue and be like it is hard bla bla bla, thats your opinion! but trust there are others out there that think different. im going to go back and read your post now addy lol
aww addy i just read all of your post and it makes me even more excited to be a mum lol.
I'd like to meet these people who say it's easy cause everyone I know has kids and there isnt a single one saying it's easy. But I suppose your right. For you it's definitely not going to be hard. Nope not at all. Because like someone said you can obviously see the future lmao!
Umm I'm not "miffed" about anything. Why would I care if someone finds parenting easy? I wouldn't believe them at all, but I wouldn't care if that's what they thought. I'm not at all mad that being a parent is hard, I knew it was going to be hard, harder than I could fathom, but I still got on the baby board and stuck to it. I love my daughter to death, I would do anything for her... I never once said it bothered me that being a parent was hard. I have said several times that she is worth every exhausting, frustrating, draining, sleep-deprived moment I give to her and then some. Tess is right that being a parent was hard but you love every minute of it. If loving something means it's easy to you then just say that instead of being so unclear with your "hard and difficult mean two different things" c___p that makes no sense what-so-ever. And Amanda is far from immature, she's just telling it like it is. You say everyone is different? Not when it comes to parenting. Every single parent, except maybe the ones who neglect their kids, knows parenting is difficult. I don't believe for one second 3 people told you parenting was easy, I do believe, however, that you completely misunderstood them, or are presenting what they meant in a warped and twisted manner making it seem like they said something they really, really didn't.
ahahah i dont know how to let it go! i,ll let it go right not going to bother trying to make some narrow minded people that we are human not robots and everyone handles sitations differently....... there are people who understand here esperanza for example oh tess to had a good understandeing but theres just a few.there always is
lmfao!! that is so rich coming from you! atleast i can sit here and say hell yeh i can be immature! if i was mature all of the time i,d be some stuck up stiff!! i can be mature when it matters! i mean who are you to say grow uo before your child comes......pfftt how about grow up before you conceive number 2!