to go to the doc and have a blood test taken, i have been very busy w/ work and helping my bf for his trip next week so i am still confused as to why i have been getting BFN but now i am experiencing fatigue but not a lot, hunger like no other, head aches, and now i am starting to get acne on my chest, not on my face, is that normal? maybe its all in my head b/c with my first pregnancy i experienced br___t tenderness and fatigue almost very early on, and now it started and its been about 6 weeks since my last period. i just wanna know if any of u have experienced any of this, any help would b very much appreciated since i havent had time to go to my doc.
may i add that now even though my tummy does not feel hard my lowere abdomen hurts and everytime i wash dishes or lay on my stomach ir hurts
I think you're gonna have to make the time, cos you arent gonna know for sure, even if someone said they had identical symptoms. You're not gonna know until you've been cos no one can tell you if you are or not
Certainly you have enough time to pick up a pregnancy test?
being pregnant doesn't make your stomach hurt when you lay on it. and unless you were a few months along, you wouldn't even feel it when you laid on your stomach. quit wasting time and test.