My Post Operation Appt

59 Replies
amanda17 - December 6

I dunno if you google it I'm sure you could find a bunch of stuff without having to pay.


durante baby - December 6

yea tess but i am worried it cost more then they say, cause it is a 3 step thing and the first step is like 70 bucks....then each step goes up after that......i am worried that they dont give you everything you need and just information


durante baby - December 6

baby-gender-selection-program DOT com/index.html


durante baby - December 6

Thats the website i was talking about.....very cool and sounds lagit. read through it


amanda17 - December 6

This is what I found out: Shallow penetration during intercourse ("man-on-top") favors a girl. To increase your chances of having a girl, have s_x 4-5 days before ovulation. Have your partner take a hot bath shortly before s_x. A male with a lower sperm count is more likely to have a girl. Use foreplay to encourage your partner to ejaculate before you have an orgasm. The result is less alkaline, which favors girls. For the average couple, having s_x once per day provides the best chance of getting pregnant. To optimize your chances of getting pregnant, after your partner ejaculates, remain on your on your back with your hips elevated for 20-30 minutes. The woman-on-top position isn't great for pregnancy, since ejaculate may flow out.


durante baby - December 6

Haha according to that I should have all girls!! lmfao jk


amanda17 - December 6

Me too, and I do haha. I had s_x about 3 days before I ovulated to conceive Ellie. He didn't have a hot bath right before but he drank a Monster energy drink... I think I heard something about caffeine reducing sperm count but I dunno if that's true or not.


angelmonkey - December 7

db i thought you ahd 2 kids not 3? and um i have my opinions but unlike you i dont b___t in to others relations its your choice waht you do just like it was mine! and just a pointer your doing that thing that makes it looks like your not sure yourself your doing an awful alot of explaining! just thought i,d point that as thats waht you always think when i try to defend myself! but yea i thought my name would come up in your little speach to preppy lmao! but really im mature enough to say its your life do what you want with it and good luck doing it! its none of my buisness like its not preppys even though she has a point


angelmonkey - December 7

not the point i,ve allready been told all of that by db yet oh im not aloud to state my opinion! dont think i said b4 i dont care what she does! i can drop it right now whereas if it was the other way around ha i,d never hear the end of it! so i dont think im being hypocritical as i only said what i did because she decided to bring my name up so i thought hey fine i will state my opinion! which beleive me i didnt! so hmm not even guna come back to this post


durante baby - December 7

Well a___l I am sorry i brought up your name I just find it really ironic, and i said this when you first came on this forum MONTHS AGO and was having problems with everyone, preppy pops in and out and always ironically is in when you are in trouble so to say...... haha you are very much right! my personal life is my business! I posted a long story for several reasons ONE, because i wanted my "friends" to have a update on me....hense the fact that it is my thread!....TWO, because i am very open about my life, my relationship, because i have nothing to hide. I reconize that i am human, and so is everyone that i love and care about, so therefore there is no reson to hide flaws. and THIRD, because I was hoping that preppy a.k.a the a___l sound a like would learn somthing by it. of course she wont, and of course she wont take advice from somone she obviously dislikes, but maybe someday somone else will tell her the same thing and she will think "hmm thats not the first time ive heard that"..... you dont defend LIE there is a difference...Your whole phantom pregnancy is non of our business you are right on that, but first you say you were NEVER pregnant, then you say you were pregnant and something tragic happened, then you talk about how the tragic subject was brought back up and now we had mad you depressed and sometimes want to take your own life, then you were NEVER pregnant again, now you say you thought it was a possiblity that you were pregnant aka a pregnancy scare. Now you can do me the favor of telling me exactly how preppy has a good point....lmfao because your whole rebuddle post just made you sound dumb.... Like amanda said, i know you are a good person somwhere inside, but you fail to ever show it. Which leads me to believe you are miserable in your own life, so therefore the good in you is drowned by hate. But i wish you the best of luck with your mental state


durante baby - December 7

and you are right a___l you wont be back, and it wont be because you are "so mature" as you claim. It is because it always ends the same for you, and you know better now then to stick around....You know that the more you say back the more your lies, immaturity, and your two faced-ness is pointed out. Then it gets o the point where you cant even defend yourself anymore, because you tangled yourselfin your own web.


V9653 - December 8

DB-I think right now you deserve to b__w off some steam, but I think you are really great at going off on people and the person who really needs to be gone off on is this preppy person. Who the hell is the person. I only seem them popping up every blue moon to say something really stupid, random, and judgemental-what the hell? And you're right, you do deserve to stand up for yourself and the people you love-that bs about you having probs in your relationship and no having a baby because of it really p__sed me off, and I don't know you. I'll be honest with you. I am single, and just broke up with my longtime bf earlier this year, but ifI was in your situation, no matter how bad our relationship is, I'd probably have a baby with him. If a doctor said you have one year and that's it-o you better believe it! So who the hell cares. You seem mature, you already have two kids with him, so what's one more,even if let's say you guys didn't work out. Some people need to realize that sometimes people fight and have rough patches, and even if they break up, a lot of people still love eachother and work together to raise their kids. But I guess that would be a sin if you did that (not saying your marriage is in trouble, just making the point of, SO WHAT IF IT WAS!!!!) URRRGHHHH!!! People, I tell you!


amanda17 - December 8

DB- No problem :) I just can't believe how insensitive some people are being. I agree with V, if I was in your situation I'd want to get pregnant no matter how bad my relationship was. I'd probably shoot for twins haha :) Like I said I think you are a wonderful mother and I KNOW you'd give your baby the best life he or [hopefully!] she could possibly have. V- Didn't Preppy say she was a single mom? She's really one to tell DB about her relationships, huh. I'm also getting tired of her constant negativity with absolutely no positive feedback toward anyone. It's like she uses this site to feel better about herself because she ALWAYS compares what she says to her life. "You're dumb to do that. When I was in that situation I blah blah blah through some ungodly struggle. I struggled so you should have to too!"


durante baby - December 8

I hope niether one of you thought i was b___hing at you! I am sorry if it came off that way but i swear it wasnt directed towards either one of you! : ) I have said what i need to say to both or them, but i can promise you that the two of them are one and the same. Preppy only comes around when a___l is having problems, then preppy sticks around as a___l leaves and doesnt come around as often. I am just done with all of a___l/preppy's lieing and vendictivness. no matter how many times i have tried to be nice to her, she always just takes people feeling sorry for her and talking to her as "okay i can be a b___h again"....I dont need to talk to people like that, even if it is just the friends in life arent like that so why should it be any different on here? I am done trying to be nice to her it isnt even worth making up kind words for her anymore, it really isnt


ashley_1991 - December 8

amen DB =)


durante baby - December 9

Amanda sorry i didnt see your post earlier...i agree SOME people are VERY in insensitive...and lmfao I have thought about ways now that my time to concieve is short to concieve twins.....then i snapped back to reality and smacked myself for think such a thing. As for a___l, I am done being nice!!! no more of me being the better person with her. I think i have done my part to be nice to her and ALWAYS be the bigger person....My 16 year old brother acts more mature and is wiser then her..If i wanted to befriend a snobby child i would hang out at the jr high by my school. I come on the teen forum because first I dont really need to be pregnant in here, second, because I started out in here YEARS ago, and last, because in the other forums I am usually the youngest mom and when i needed help or advice they were always grateful to support and talk. In here I like to offer the same they always offered me, and i fit in a little better in here because everyone is more equal regardless their age. it is easier to talk comfortably with EVERYONE.....So I dont need a bratty 18 year old telling me about relationships, and how my relationship is, or going to turn out. When they dont know the first thing about life or raising a family, because they have walked around with their head up their a__s their whole life....Everyone has their flaws and everyone has made those bad decisions when they are or were a teen, but eventurally you realise what you have done wrong, and can admit it. a___l has yet to grow to that point. To me....and i have never said this because to me it is mean and a little late to even bring it up, but she is WAY to immature to be having a baby. But like i said, i dont care anymore. i am tired of being nice. and i am VERY deffensive towards the ones i love especially when it is my family, so this was the final straw.....Even little things like her trying to call people out on bad grammer a.k.a the "knock on wood" comment in the other thread...Is out of line! aggressive! immature! non factual! uncalled for! and pointless!....It all just grinds my gears....thehehe yes i just said grinds "my gears"



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