So Upset Please Talk To Me

6 Replies
PreciousBaby19 - May 30

i'm so upset,.....we miht not getout kitten...because his frends think i'm cuel t animals because i refuse to taethe kitten outside. Iwant an indoor cat n they knew that. I asked one simple questio and request that they nt let him outside while he is there because i think its cruel to show him outside if he is never going to go out when he is with us. That just makes him want it more and make him miserable. i too upset to focus and type the whole story..but they aren't weaning him like they should be...from 6 to 8 weeks..then they should be ready at 8 eeks. but they are just waiting naturally so they wont be ready by 8 weeks..and they are getting attatched. We asked him not to let him outside..our he did get out by accident when his family let him out....which i'm not mad about..but the fact when they found him out...they should have bruoght him back in..instaead they let him play. now he kees wanting to go out. Its causing tention between me and my husband beecause i'm not afriad to tell them. look he may be your cat but your kinda just raising him for someone else. ...thats us.....and he wont say anything. he has no backbone...and he thinks i'm wrong...about the weaning..even though my moms a breeder and hes never had a cat. just tells me i'm of course i was like fine....rollled over and let them wean him the way they want which makes it like 10 weeks before he comes home...maybe...if she pushes the kitten away...but when i said please dont let him outside again they basically said its cruel to leave him inside and that myways are cruel and unnatural. i' jsut so p___sed off..being told i dont know how to raise animals after i'veraised 35 or saying my cat will have no life because i choose to keep him indoors is ...i just want to cry. stephen my husband doesn't understand me....he doesn't liste..and won stand up to his friend. I will..i dont let pep,e push me around. I might as well just go and get another kitten...and i would have by now except that i love this kitten. i've seen him as a baby and watched him grow and play with him. and bonded with him. i dont have any me waiting 2 extra weeks probably because they want to do things their ridiculous..he sent a text message saying we could make requests but in the end they will do what they want because its their cat...sigh i'm just so angry.


lunamoo - May 31

What about a My Little Pony...? Sorry, I just don't understand your post. But I do agree that cats belong in and outdoors.


PreciousBaby19 - June 1

It was more of a venting post....and my keys on my computer are really annoying..they keep missing out letters. Anyway, i didn'dt really ask if you agreed. I dont think hee belongs outdoors. Anyway it doesn't matter..we told them to shove it up their a__s and went ou and got a cat ith a breeder. Its more expensive but its a show =) we are pleased and happy about it.


amanda17 - June 1

I'm a big cat person, so I've had a lot throughout my life. At first I only had outdoor cats, then I had indoor and outdoor cats... All of my outdoor cats died way before their time. They would either get hit by cars or get killed by coyotes... I refuse to let any of my cats out of the house for that reason, and ever since I made that decision all my cats live long and happy lives. I don't know why it would bother them so much that you want to keep them indoors? They are safe indoors... *shrugs*


Teddyfinch - June 2

my cats are indoor cats. never go outside. never will. my youngest kitten was an outdoor cat but i rescued him before he wound up kitty pie on the busy street next to our apartments. anyway, my cats know inside is where the cool is and they never seem to cry for outside. they sit in the windows for the sun and then lay under the a/c. and if they're saying it's their cat so they'll do what they want, tell them to take care of it themselves then. they can't be choosy beggars.


PreciousBaby19 - June 2

well we aren't getting their kitten anymor....they basically said toughbecause we didn't want to be outdoor. But its fine by me. We are going to spend money on a proffessionally bredded kitten. He is 6 weeks and his name is Niveus. Which is latinfor snowy and he is pure white. He is a mix between a main coon and a le pare. He is bred for indoors only. now stephens friend'' which i think he isn't trying to act like everything is fine and peachy keen.. Alhough its not. I hate people like them..they thinkthey can walk all over stephen and me and then turn around and make it seem like we were the ones in the wrong. Stephen has a very forgiving nature ad i really dont want them near him because they really hurt him and i had to pick up the peices. Idon know what to do about this....hes doing betternow and really loving this cat..but when they actually insulted his illness i was generally p__sed off...and in my book they need to apologize before i speak to them....but just wants to move on....i can understand being civil and things cause they work together...but after what theys aid about us...reallly really hurtful higs how can they just excpectboth of us to just seriously move on like it was our fault...i think they at leat owe some kind of i'm sorry you anyway...we get ou kitten on saturdya..i'm soo excited and i can't wait..his parents actually fell in love with his brothe while we were picking him out and so they are getting his brother ad his name is mango and hes a peach colour. =) we are both excuted.


Merciii - June 4

I agree...with your friends, i too think it is cruel to keep a cat a prisoner in a house all of it's life. A cats natural instinct is to explore and hunt, they come back when they want. They shouldnt have to have humans changing their entire nature just for their preferences, it's wrong. A cat just isnt a ball of fluff to stroke, fair enough you can house train them, but they shouldnt be locked in 24/7 to just lie asleep all day. It IS cruel.



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