Anyone Else -pg122331765928
3 Replies
Hey ladies, i am going to be 37 weeks on Friday and I feel like I am getting Braxton Hicks contractions A LOT more lately....did anyone else have this increase as they got further along? Does it mean anything....i'm not doing any strenuous activity- i work in an office but the slightest move i make brings it on. It's as if the baby tightens up and my belly becomes rock hard!
Hi Beka! It is very common to get more frequent BH's the further you get. It is your body practicing. BUT I would still watch and make sure you aren't having to many. With my first pregnancy I went in because I had 10 BH's in an hour and they were actually causing me to efface but that was 30 weeks. At this stage of the game there isn't anything to worry about...I know everyone says this but you should know when you are in real labor...they definitely hurt vs the feeling of a strong BH. It's weird this second pregnancy I am not feeling near as many BH's but they are still more frequent as I am getting further along!
Thank you ej! Always there to answer my questions! :) Hopefully the doc will check tomorrow...i don't even know what "efface" means- lol...i have to look this up. I am going to be so lost in there when it is time! lol lol
It's better to not know!! :) I hope you go in tomorrow and babe's head is down, you are effaced (thinned) and dilated (opened)!!