GBS Postive But Doctor Told Me Without Any Test
3 Replies
this is strange . Today my doctor removed my cerclage. After the proceddure she immediately gave me a slip which told be that i was tested postive for GBS . I had no internal exams till today coz of cerclage.
I wonder how she did the test for GBS and indicated that i have GBS +ve. I know GBS is treatable and it is some antibotics thru IV but iam still wondering how she concluded so without any exam.
I don't know but that does sound kinda weird. I know I waws tested at 36 week and they took a long cutip and swabed the area. Maybe you should call your Dr and ask them how you tested positive when you were never tested. Good luck.
They can also detect it in your urine - I have GBS and it is always detected in my urine - I have taken antibiotics throughout my pregnancy but it doesnt go away. It means that I am heavily colonized and I am at higher risk of prem labour (because it is a urine infection). This was actually why I had a prem delivery at 24 weeks with my last pregnancy. If you are still concerened get a second opinion.