Ladies At 37 Weeks And On
3 Replies
*Every day is it getting harder and harder to pick up that annoying peice of paper or toy off the floor?
* Are you feeling every single movement in your belly and cant help be hypnotized by the rolling waves
* Are going through the same waiting game of counting every single tiny silly little cm your dilating?
SOooo.. the question is what are you doing about helping speed up the first stage of labor?!
So far Im 37 wks 50% effaced and at 2..and 1/2 cm.LOL.
This is my second pregnancy another BOY!
**Natural self Induction**
Im reluctant to do the whole castor oil thing because i believe if i was really ready to go in labor by now im sure it wouldve happed.I also dont like the fact that the side effects and what it does in order to bring labor sounds pretty forceful to me. But thats just me..more power to you mamas that are over due though!
*I am walking everyday atleast 3 to 4 hrs a day at a mall or park since it is the holidays, gotta get my shopping done. Feels like it helps cuzz...the pressure someitmes gets pretty uncomfortable that i have to sitdown.
*Sex is more of a laughing matter than it is helpful.. i find myself going through the motions to help the speed things along with labor while my husband is doing all the work.Lol sooo i gave up on that!
* Primrose. I started taking them about a week ago..
2- 500 mg gel capsules in the morning with prenatals
2- late afternoon
2- at bed time p___ked at each end
I noticed increase in discharge, more frequent more discomforting contractions and back pain constantly. Now keep in mind im pretty active and the primrose is to help soften your cervix, which i think these symptoms are the effects of my uterine effacing and the gradual dilation of the cervix..I HOPE!
Been having really bad back labor, increase in discharge, and having irregular contractions,some that i can barely notice and some so painful that i try the whole changing of positions just to see if its A REAL ONE, or a Hick!
I see my doc in 3 days Ill keep ya informed
Im 39wks 2d. and the Dr hasnt even checked me. They said they just dont in case they "get things going". I have to say Im disapointed.
I have more BH now, but baby is still transverse or breech most of the time. (she will go head down for a few minutes then rolls back up)
I see the Dr thursday and really dont understand why no decision has been made as to how she is coming The hosp I deliver in is over an hr away and my last labor was only 3 hrs...
I think I may try the primrose oil, if baby will flip over again.
Hi ladies! I am 37 weeks today! Yay for full term!
Sunday night i started having contractions very 2 minutes and went in to get checked. I was 1 cm and 50% effaced. Monday I started losing my mucous plug and at 2 p.m. at had a dr. appt.and I was 2 cm and 75% effaced.
Today my contractions are more uncomfortable and I am losing lots of brownish/red discharge.
Hopefully she is coming soon!
well Im 40 wks 1 day.... baby turned head down thursday, but there is no indication she is coming out! Perhaps the full moon tomorow will draw her out?
I see the Dr tomorow at noon, I sure hope he checks me and says Im ready to go!
Anyone else loaded with weird sad or funny dreams?