I have had contractions since Thursday night, it is Sunday now, they come at least every 20 mins, some times 5 sometimes 20, and everything inbetween...I lost what I think was my plug yesterday it had a little bit of blood in it, and more today with no blood...what is going on? Anybody had this, it feels like Im going to be doing this forever! I thought this phase would last a day but not 4! I went to the hospital on Friday cause they were really strong and I wasnt even dialated!! I was almost all thinned out though. I just dont know what to do...oh and Im 7 days overdue!!! I cant be induced because Im trying for a Vbac. Any insight or positive assurance would be appreciated!!
Hi Tasha. I'm a March 09 mommy, so I'm not third tri yet, but I thought I would give you some encouragement. I have two friends who have given birth this year that walked around for almost 2 weeks I believe in labor....they were having contractions irregularly, but when they got checked they were like 3 cm. That's great that you're almost completely effaced. I think that's more important than dilating. Another friend of mine wasn't dilated or anything and her water broke and she had her son 12 hours later. I know what you mean about not being induced....I too will be attempting a VBAC (my daughter was breech 14 months ago), but my doc is not on board w/letting me go past my due date. :( She said she'll schedule a repeat c if I go past....so i told this little one that it needs to come out before that day....not prematurely, but before my due date. :)