Well my due date is this sat the 17 and i'm extremely frustrated!!! I am sooo uncomfortable! my belly is too big!!! The OB told me that if I don't go into labor by monday I will get induced next week. Im exited but worried about the complication. I just don't understand why my body hasn't been able to do it naturally. I already lost my mucus plug and and I have been having contractions but I haven't moved past 1cm of dialation. and my cervix is only 50%. I have been reading about natural induccion with red raspberry leaf tea and primrose oil and such but I don't know if I should try it. Or even if it would work. Has anybody tried anything like this? I really don't wanna be induced with pitocin or have a c section!!! Help!
Still waiting... any answers?
Wait until you´re past your due date to really start worrying and so should your doctors. I read also that stress can actually delay labour. try to relax, it´ll come, good luck!
You know, I know all of these all old wives tales, but for me, with ds #1, they worked! I also was scheduled for an induction & really wanted him to come on his own, so I did everything I could! I walked 5-7 miles a day (I had been doing that for months though, but I stepeed up the mileage in the end), I ate spicey food, & I had s_x (had not done that in ages!!) About 4 hours after having s_x (2 days before I was supposed to be induced) my water broke! & about 10 hours later my beautiful boy was born!! I still have about 6 weeks now until I'm due, but when the time gets close, I'll definitley be trying these again! Good luck to you!
Mely12, I am surprised they would want to induce you next week if your due date isn't until the 17th. There are some girls that walk around at 4cm for weeks and then others who aren't dialated at all and go in right away. You never know...it could happen tonight!!!! I think you can try what you want to but just let your body and baby do it!!!
S_x! I too have heard that this isnt always fool proof. But I was soooooo ready to have my DD I was HUGE, I was at a 3cm forever and I was about 50 % effaced at a week prior to my due date. So I tried spicey food, and walks, speed bumps, anything. Finally a nurse told me to go have s_x and sure enough the next morning me and DH were off to the hospital. And 12 hours later had our DD. I even had a friend that was 4 days prior to her Due Date and she had s_x and her water broke in the middle :) Good luck.
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm due on the 16th and my doctor might induce me next week if my cervix is more ripe by Monday. I just hope that he either comes this weekend or that I'm ready for her to get stuff started on Monday. I feel like I'm gonna pop. I've been walking every night. Hopefully something will work.
The reason that i'm being induced is b/c he is big and if he gets any bigger the only choice will be a c section. I've heard that having s_x can bring on labor but my doctor told me a few weeks ago that he did not want me to have s_x because it could cause an infection. I don't know why he said that b/c my water hasn't broken or anything in order to be at risk for an infection. I have been walking but this lazy little one hasn't moved at all! So i don't know what to do, i've been reading up about induction so I know what's coming but if nothing happens with the medicine they will have to do a cesarean and i really don't want that! I'm so anxious!!
The reason why he doesn't want you to have s_x is because you have lost your mucus plug...most likely. A lot of doctors tell you NO s_x once you have lost that because of the risk for infection. I'm walking as much as possible for the same reason. My baby doesnt want to come out either. He's still pretty high up for me being a full 39 weeks. My due date is the 16th. He's not HUGE yet, but getting there. He's around 8 lbs as of Monday. I know how your feel though. All i can suggest is to walk, walk, walk. Try to stay really active and let gravity help you out. That was my dr's suggestion for me. I hope you and I get lucky and go into labor this weekend before out appointments this week!
have you thought about accupressure or accupuncture?