What Role Does Sperm Take
2 Replies
Quick question.. What role does Sperm take.. does it make ur cervic bigger or efface more?? Im already 90% Effaced.. Does Sex help u Open more as well or what???
hey, Im not in my third tri anymore lol I had my baby girl 2 weeks ago but I thought I would drop in and give ya na answer :) Semen contains prostaglandin which is the same stuff your body naturally produces to ripen your cervix. it should help with effacement, and make your cervix softer and such. I hope that helps :)
It makes it easier for your cervix to dilate basically. It doesn't actually dilate you since the pressure from the baby and contractions does the dilating, but it makes it happen easier and faster when it starts. An orgasm during intercourse or after will help stimulate contractions, though.