Almost 38 Weeks Movement And Heartbeat
4 Replies
Iam almost 38 weeks and was wondering how do u guys feel about movement and heartbeat of the baby. The HP is around 130 to 140 is that normal ?. movement has significantly decreased and slowed down but he does move a little now and then kinda worried please share ur ideas
My baby's heart rate has dropped from about 150 earlier in the pregnancy to around 130 now, apparently that's normal. He also moves a lot less, I haven't felt a real kick for a long time, just shifting and stretching. That's normal too, the baby just has a lot less room to move!
Hi there. I am almost 37 weeks, and have also noticed a slight decrease in movement. I also have been CLOSELY monitored since week 5, and the HR has gone from 170ish in the beginning to 140-155 now. That is normal also as the hr will slow the bigger the baby gets!
Sounds very normal. With ds1 his heart rate was always around 130-140bpm in those last few weeks of the pregnancy. Now with ds1 at every appointment his heart rate is around 140bpm.
thats good to know that it is normal