woohoo. only a few more weeks ladies! i am anxiously awaiting my doc appointment tomorrow... its first thing in the morning so ill let u know something as soon as i find out. but my feet especially the right foot are still swollen. my hands are still really stiff and this stupid headache comes adn goes. I feel queezy on and off through the day so i have no idea whats wrong with me. i am so freaking tired! i am tired of waking up every hour....
lol alicia we were writing at the same time. thats awful about your moms dog! some days i have lots of braxton hicks adn they are very uncomfortable but other days i have very few. i think i am getting close to labor tho, within a couple weeks i keep having loose bowel movements which is usually a sign. so who knows...
Oh geeze well i have been having loose ones too. I need to keep track of what my body is doing better.... I live close to the KY line. I am in Goodlettsville . It's like an hour to Bowling Green for me.
yeah i live about 2 hours from bowling green. i know about where goodletsville is, i always see signs for it going into nashville. i can't wait til my apt tomorrow. getting nervous. but i keep thinking if its really bad, they will call me today. who knows
I am sure they would call you if it was bad. I have my next apt Wed and I get another U/s and they will measure Mason. i love knowing how big he is. I think I am finally okay with the fact that I may need a c section. If they feel thats best then thats that.
she didn't measure the baby on the u/s she just checked my fluid and made sure baby was heads down. she tried checking if it was really a girl, but once again, she or he didn't cooperate very well. im scared of a c-section. both my first were v____al. i have decent sized babies but i think she may be my smallest. she is measuring right on target every week just about. which for my babies is rare, they were at least 1 to 2 wks bigger. i wanted to know how much she weighed but didn't get to find out.
That sucks... I would want to know too. Maybe she will show them next time they do and U/s. I am so tired this morning. i don't think i am sleeping well anymore.
she won't do another u/s dang it. that was my last one. i dont sleep well either. it was after midnight when ifell asleep then i got up at 12:44 to pee and every freaking hour after that! ahhhhhhhhh. i feel ur pain on that one.
I guess I am lucky. I use to get up 2-4 times a night but now I am only getting up 1 time a night and have been for about 3 weeks now.
must be nice!!! once the baby gets here ill get more sleep lol. i used to fall asleep b___stfeeding adrianna in the recliner adn we'd both snooze til she got up to eat again, lol. but she didn't b___stfeed very long cuz her little belly was really sensitive to everything i ate. but it was nice. i gotta go mail some stuff i sold on ebay. and go get a printer from my momma. shes giving me her old one. i am too tired to go anywhere especially with these two, they have already been such a joy this morning... fighting like crazy.
Well have fun. I will talk to you when you get back. Maybe there will be someone else on today. I am sure patti loved sleeping in today. Boy I don't know if I can make it working up until Mason gets here. i am way too tired today.
ahhh, i bet. i quit working with adrianna about a month before i had her cuz she had already dropped all the way down adn she didn't think id make it til my due date. but since i quit working i had her 6 days late!!! but i will be back on later, have a good day and i wonder where everyone else is???
I know how you feel. My left hand and leg are way more swollen then my right! My doc gave me a wrist splint to sleep with cause my hand gets so swollen at night i can't even make a fist in the morning! A little over 4 weeks left!!!!! She has already dropped, and i too am having loose Bm's, so hopefully she will be here soon!! I unfortunately have to work until my due date.
Wow my hands and feet aren't swelling that bad. I had some swelling sunday but that was just cause I did alot of walking around. Usually its not that bad. Mason is really hurting me when he moves now. Or like when Jeremy presses on me to feel Mason it hurts.
Hello pumpkins.....Alicia, that really sucks about your puppy. I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like that. Did you have to put your dog down, or your neighbors dog? I have an appt tomorrow too Danielle! I had a rough morning though. I kept getting lightheaded. I couldn't even stand long enough to put my makeup on and I took my bloodpressure and the highest reading I was getting was 98/78 and the lowest was 87/57 and there were several in between there. But my doctor's nurse wasn't worried. It was a yucky feeling though. But I'm here a work now. I REALLY wish I was in bed. My weekend was kinda whatever. Went grocery shopping with 3 kids on Friday, took my kids and my sister's kids swimming on Saturday, then went and saw WANTED with my parents on Saturday night, got very sick in the middle of Saturday night, then was lazy all day Sunday. Carl wasn't able to come home, so that sucked. But he'll have a three day weekend this weekend. I cannot express to you ladies how much I wanna be in bed right now!! Danielle, we are probably up at the same time at night. My body is up like clockwork everynight, plus my parents got their electric bill, which was very high, so they decided to crank the air up so it is miserable in that d__n house. I secretly lower it to 76 at night in my part of the house or else I would roast.
Morning Mommas!! Sounds liek we are all feeling about the same this morning!! TIRED TIRED TIRED!!! Danielle - that is c___ppy about not being able to see little miss chloe's bits for sure, but I wouldn't worry. I am sure she is still a she! And your swelling is not sounding good. I wonder what they will say at your appt. Mine has not really gone down at all. With this heat, it just gets worse and hurts. The bones in my feet feel like they have been crushed most of the time. I keep telling myselef only a few more weeks. And I think I would rather this swelling issue than throwing up all day. Erin that is c___ppy that Carl didn't egtt o get home, but thankfully you guys have a long wekend coming so he will get to spend some time then. Alicia - I was so lookingf orward to the sleepin this morning, but my d__n internal alarm clock woke me up right on time to get up for work. Then once I realized I had no work, there was nothing in the world that I could do to get back to sleep regardless of the fact that I was dead tired. I hope this quits real soon and I can at least get a few sleep ins before sleep as I know it becomes totally extinct! We are starting a major heat wave here with temps staying over 100 and we have no air in the house either. So I am trying to convince hubby that he really doesn't want to go golfing today, but instead go to the lake so I can at least just go sit there and veg in the water. But for some reason he wants to go get heat stroke on the golf course. I may have to pull out the poor pregnant girl card soon!!hee hee:)
Morning!! It sucks i never get to come on here anymore bc ive been soooo busy at work. But I hope everything is going good with everyone! Ive been getting really worried about her movements as usual.i called my doctor almost everyday last week. I know shes just not moving as much as she used to, but my doctor seems to think its okay. (ive told her about how often i feel her and my kick count results, etc...) i dont want to go in to the hospital for no reason (cause who knows how much a NST will cost me), but at the same time, im sooo tired about worrying about it. How often should I notice her move throughout the day?? We painted the nursery last night!! Its almost all the way done, all we have left is the decor stuff. (lamps, rug, pics, etc..) Other than that Im so excited. I only have 4 weeks of work left and then a short 2 or 3 weeks later she will be here!! YAY!