Mucous Plug-pg12124272225
3 Replies
Does the mucpus plug look like a big chunk of white substance?
From my personal experience, it looks like a gelatanous glob of well, basically mucus. Like snotty globby stuff. Gross, I know.
thats what I've heard...a glob of white goo...tinged with pinkish or red blood...or it could be brown tinged....all kinds of different descriptions. Why?! You think you've lost it or started to?! Exciting!!! When are you due?
yeah it hasto be mucuos plug. i had that yesterday. it was brownish werid color. do anyone know wats gonna happened next? besides im gettin these mild contractions that is on and off. so im just waiting for my waterbag to break or the contractions to be 5 min. apart lols