Sleeping Too Much

3 Replies
sassychick - June 26

My son is 11 months old and over the past couple of weeks he's been sleeping like crazy. This weekend for example he went to bed at 8:00pm and didn't wake up until 11:00am on Sunday so he slept for a total of 15 hours straight and after being up for an hour or so he's ready for a nap. He takes at least 2 to 3 naps a day along with sleeping his long stretches during the night. I've tried keeping him up but when he's tired he gets cranky and will plop down on the floor and wine. When I pick him up he lays his head down on my shoulder and is obviously ready to lie down. Does this sound like a growth spurt or should I be more concerned about this?


yumymumy - July 8

my son is kind of the same, hes 2 in a week and for the last 4 months he sleept from 7pm till 10am, even sometimes 11am. i worried at first but i go in to wake him up and he rolls over and shuts his eyes again and if we have to go out early hes miserable and tired, obviously his new sleeping pattern and more sleep has done this to him i just let it go the way i see it he was a bad sleeper up until 1yrs old and hes making up for it i wouldnt worry but as i said when they do it for a while and you do need to get up early they will get tired. my son doesnt nap during the day since he sleeps long hours at night.


Topaz - July 8

When my dd was 12 months old she wnt through a growth spurt and for a couple of weeks she did sleep more than usual. I don't think I'd worry about it, but it would never hurt to call the dr.


cae - July 8

Sounds like a growth spurt to me. I remember Ethan doing that also around 12months. He too would sleep 15hours straight and also take a long nap in the afternoon.



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