103 Replies
fefer1 - July 14

woohoo Dawn! Let us know how it goes. :) My stepson is here for the next two weeks - he's 20. haha, older than SOME people on this forum. I'm an old fart - ok, not really, but my husband is older than me and I'm older and...he started young?? Anyways...we're going to be busy, or I am since my husband will spend every spare second with his son. Levi has been cranky pants lately!! Bed time used to be so easy but now he screams his head off if I go near his room or lay him down. He only cries for a few minutes at most now but it's weird. Just a stage I guess. Those teeth STILL have not come out - I'm waiting!


Sprinkles - July 15

20 huh! Wow lol well he must enjoy the kiddies then huh? Violet seems to teeth forever its like they are a stage of teething more often then not.


eastcoast - July 15

I'm soooo jealous of all of you who have babes that sleep so well! Since Kai's been born it's been a struggle to get him to sleep more than 11 hours total in a 24 hour period -we never had that newborn stage where he was supposed to sleep a lot:( Right now, he's(usually) sleeping from 8pm-5:30am and takes a nap for an hour in the morning and one in the afternoon. Oh well, I guess he's getting as much sleep as he needs. Dawn, YAYYYYYY!!!! 1st tri done -congrats:) How was your 2nd tri with Violet? I can't remember -hopefully you'll have an easy time with this little one. On the teething front, Kai's now got 13 -two more popped out this past weekend. No wonder he's been such a little grump. Fefer, thanks for letting me know there's only 20 -we're more than halfway there:)


Sprinkles - July 15

Thank u Pam! I think after the 1st tri is when my real bad reflux kicked in and stuck around til the bitter end - but that was it besides the physical aches and pains - I already have the lower back pain - sciatica is starting again and i get random muscle cramps. Physically my body is like .. lady ..no more haha Violet was a nut today slaping at me and crying I had to just lay her crazy b___t down LOL maybe a nap will help (fingers crossed) She only has 7 teeth we have a LONG way to go


buckeye74 - July 15

Congrats Sprinkles! Can't wait to join you. I hate 1st tri.. . unfortunately i have 5 weeks still ): Dominic has been horrible the last week or two with his naps. I think he is trying to get rid of his second nap, but there is not way I am letting that happen--especially since I am prego. I need that nap time as much as he does. Anyway, he is being a royal pain about his naps. He used to take them easily. I miss those days!


DDT - July 18

Hi ladies! what gorgeous weather fefer! I LOVE the Summer! I took the boys to a Lake this morning. They had fun playing in the sand, water and having lunch on a blanket. It was fun. QUESTION: How many babies are still taking 2 naps a day. Jaxon normally (until this week) has been taking a morning nap at about 8:30am and then again at about 12:30-1pm. He was sleeping for 1.5-2 hrs each. Well, now he refuses to nap in the afternoon. I don't know what to do because Caden continued with 2 naps until he was 18 months old. Do I drop the morning nap and have 1 nap at about noon-ish? or do I persist and coax him with 2 naps? or have the morning nap and a "quiet time" in the afternoon? I have to admit that my life would be easier if they were both on just one nap but I do not want a crabby baby by 5pm. And gosh, can Jaxon throw a display. He throws tantrums already and can get quite aggressive with his older brother when he's peeved. I can tell it will be terrible two's with him. Congrats on making it out of the 1st tri Sprinkles! the 2nd tri is always the best. eastcoast: Jaxon sleeps from 7:30pm-6/6:30am. He does wake up like clockwork at about 5am. Horrible habit which I am trying to break. I think its because of the early summer sun lighting up their room. We just go in and lay him back down without a word and he sleeps for a little while longer. And then on average he naps for about 2-2.5hrs total. Haircuts: I haven't taken Jaxon yet even though he needs it. I like to wait a while so that when he does I get to keep those baby locks. I waited until Caden was 17 months old but Jaxon has more hair so I may have to give in and take him when he's about 15 months or so. Milk: Both my boys LOVE milk. Caden drinks alot. About 3-4 sippy cups a day. Jaxon has 2 8oz bottles (yes, bottles! we are working on getting rid of those)and about 1/2 a sippy cup a day. We are going raspberry picking tomorrow morning, and maybe get some fresh pie and icecream after. Yum! Next weekend my dh and his Dad are taking the boys on the Annual All-Boys Camping Trip. Dh took Caden last year while I was in the hospital with a sick Jaxon. Have a good weekend everyone!


fefer1 - July 18

DDT: the weather is awesome!! It's a bit too hot at times but I love it. We've been to the beach, the splash park, the back yard pool...fun! Rachel is so tan too. Naps DDT: Levi naps from 9-10 and then 1-3:30 or 4, kind of depends on when he goes down. Sometimes it's closer to 1:30 when he goes down. I'd cut out the morning nap and keep the afternoon - I'm pretty sure he'll still need it. I'd do everything in my power to keep that afternoon one. Rachel will be 3 in September and she still naps from 1-4, approximately. It's usually about 2.5 hours in the afternoon. She goes to bed at 8pm which lately ends up being closer to 8 because she won't stay in bed - it's too light, things are too fun right now. She tried to drop it for a while but I knew she needed it - obviously, she still sleeps. :) Levi is good at tantrums now too, usually when I don't let him get in our cupboards. :) Or if Rachel takes something away. He doesn't take it out on her ... YET. It will come soon enough though. That's funny that you want them on ONE nap. I am enjoying it since it's the only time I can get a shower in unless I get up real early which I hate to do. :) Lucky you - a weekend kid free! That should be fun for the boys - very brave of your husband!!


Sprinkles - July 19

Hello Hello! I just wanted to pop in and say hi .. I am so glad violet doesn't fight me on her naps haha she is pretty good about her two I am just worried her 'babysitters' will be the one to screw them up - AKA her Grandfather and father - We have already had the talk about it - so lets see if they heed my warning. This is going to be a hectic week .. Wednesday imparticular I am having new carpet put in - and in the bigger areas of my house like the living room/dining room so the TV -sectional etc all have to move ..to where I dont know my house is tiny so i dont know where I am shoving this c___p lol anyway between that and picking up my new daybed (for me) and putting that together and my new tv stand I have to get - then I have to put everything back - then chastidys dad decided he is taking her and her sisters on vacation wens-sunday so I need to find someone to watch violet cause thurs and fridays I work at 5am AND 9 am ...the only 2 days a week I work 2 runs and those are the days he is going so it leaves me wondering who would come to my house at 4am - BUT i called my mom and she is going to come stay with the kid thursday and friday but I have to take her back friday so that will be 3 3 hour drives on friday between two for work and one to take my mama home lol I am going to be EXHAUSTED. Ok well I am off to bed night girlies!


fefer1 - July 20

geez dawn - what a couple of days you'll have! Tim is off to the cabin again this weekend so I'm all alone - with the kids!!! I'm so exhausted, sick of taking care of them without a break. It wears you out! I just need some ME time. ahh Levi is starting to really walk all over the place. He still prefers crawling but he's doing so much better. He's so funny too - he has to pick things up when he's standing. And I don't mean toy cars and stuff like that - he's picking up chairs (kid chairs), car seats, HEAVY items. Totally cracks me up to see him trying to lift up a chair and walk with it. Seems kind of challenging at this stage. :) Those teeth haven't popped through yet either...13 1/2 months, 2 teeth. My late bloomer. He was super crabby last week so I expected it but nothing yet. Other than the temper tantrums he's starting to have more and more of, nothing new to report. Just trying to stay cool in this weather we're having. I love it but I hate having a hot house because I can't get anything done. Oh....our dishwasher sprung a HUGE leak and water was gushing out our downstairs ceiling yesterday. I have dishes piled everywhere - and everything was taken apart all yesterday/today. We just need one piece before we can put it back together/run it. That wont' be till later tonight if I'm lucky. What a pain! I don't like handwashing - nor do I have the time and it's too hot to do that anyways. It's 84 degrees in my house right now and it will get hotter later. yucky!!


eastcoast - July 22

Arrgghhhh another night of teething hell:( I'm sitting at my desk at work right now and can barely keep my eyes open -and I just got here! I really, really hope today goes by quickly 'cause I feel like c___p. Dawn, you are always so busy with your house stuff! I'm sure it will look great (and more spacious) once you make those changes. DDT, funny how our boys are about the same size and seem to have roughly the same sleep schedule. Lots of my friends told me that when they were around 14-15 mths old, their babies actually took LONGER naps -I can dream I guess. Fefer, Kai loves to carry around awkward/heavy things too -I'm constantly worried that he'll drop things on his toes but he gets really mad when I try and take things he's carrying away from him. Oh, and I just have to share this really cute thing he's started doing. Now when his diaper is changed, he has to take the old diaper and carry it into his room. He'll then stand in front of the diaper genie and wait for me to open it for him and then he'll put the diaper in (I have to push it down though -he hasn't figured that out yet!)and close the cover. He gets really mad if anyone else tries to do this -or tries to put his dirty clothes in his clothes hamper -he has to be the one to put them in there (then of course he tries to carry the hamper around!) Anyways, just wanted to share 'cause I think it's really cute:) Hope everyone has a great day and I get some energy.


fefer1 - July 23

Eastcoast: very cute, about Khai. Rachel likes to do that too - but she's almost 3. :) It's good that he's learning to put his clothes away already, we started that early with Rachel. It was a fun game at first...we'll see how long it lasts! Levi is about the same size - I think weightwise?? Height I'm not sure. He's growing so fast!! He's still taking pretty long afternoon naps. I put him down at 1:15 today and he's still asleep at 3:35. Rachel on the other hand has been a nightmare. I don't think she's gone to sleep before 9pm, most nights 9:30, for over a week. She just gets up a million times! ugh!!! Sorry about the teething too - my day is coming soon. 18 teeth to go!!! STILL no sign of them popping out except that he's chewing on his finger all the time. Walking - he went from hobbling a few steps to walking all over in what feels like over night. I'm still so amazed at how quickly they adapt to these new things. He acts like it's nothing new. :) People look at me funny when they see him just starting to walk - when their much tinier babies are walking around like pros. Just because he's BIGGER doesn't mean he's OLDER. I'm about to start my weekend alone with the kids and the heat that's about to kill us. 95??? DDT - are you getting the same heat as us?? YUCK! I am NOT looking forward to it. I can't wait to see how hot it gets in my house, I bet it gets over 100. Now won't that be fun to sleep in..poooooor kids!


newlywed0915 - July 23

Hey gals! Sorry I've been MIA! Long story short, we packed up last Monday and moved back to St.Marys,Ks (1.5 hrs away from KC)this Monday. We are living with my brother and sister in law, and my husband started a new job with his brother at the Onyx Collection...they make bathroom and kitchen counter tops from marble, granite, etc. Anyhow--it was hard to accept, but we are very blessed to have something to fall back on in this economy. The plan is to stay here, work, work, work, (because he can get as much overtime as he wants) save, pay debt, and move back to KC with a better job in 6 months to a year. Who knows what will happen?! I am keeping my doctor in KC, because I LOVE her to death, and for now, I only have to visit once a month, so it can be a fun trip! Homes are a lot cheaper here, Fefer! We just arent in the position to buy! One day we will be though! I am 8 weeks along, and had my first appt last Thursday! Due date is March 5th! We get an ultrasound on the 28th, and also get to hear teh heartbeat! I might move the date back a couple days though to Thursday instead of Tuesday. I really want DH to make it, so we have to work around his schedule. He starts work at 4:30 am and goes till 2! At least we get awesome health insurance that covers pre-exsisting conditions, AND all we pay in the deductible, because his employer pays 100% of the premium! Yay Dawn! 2nd TRI!!!!!Buckeye, I'm sure everything will be okay. I know how you feel...I had bleeding with Dante in the beginning and that was scary. I couldnt wait to get the the 2nd tri. At least our LO's keep us busy and help to make time fly!I cant seem to get enough sleep! This time I am lucky enough to have no nausea or food aversions. I'm just super tired and b___hy because I can't get enough sleep! Lol!!! Heres something weird...I'm showing already! I went from nothing to "pop"!At least thats what my sister in law thinks! Its like Im 3 months! I've posted the pic to my profile on here. Could you guys do me a favor and look at it and give me your experienced opinions? I read that you pop earlier with your second pregnancy, but I didnt pop with Dante till 20 weeks or more! I can't believe you're not far away from your second, Gabby! How exciting! Dante is walking too. Im pretty sure he said "baby" today! My sister in law has a 2 month old and hes been getting adjusted to her. I think its going ot be great preparation for Dante! Hes had 6 teeth since 7 months, but none since! Anyway, I'll post more soon! I'm going to bed!!!


fefer1 - July 24

newleywed - I popped much quicker with #2 as well. Your muscles are already loosened up after having the first - especially being so close together in pregnancies. Levi says dah dah dah - for dog. That's about it. :) He babbles a lot and copies things we do but he's busy learning his walking right now. I hope you make it without all the nausea too - mine hit around 8 weeks with my first, immediately with my second (at about 4 weeks until the end, but the worst in the first 6 months). I'm slightly jealous of all you preggo mommies but ... I really am happy to be done. I just miss the excitement of what's to come, not all the stuff that comes WITH being pregnant. haha THAT stuff I'm done with.


Sprinkles - July 24

Newlywed I dont see any pic of your belly? I looked but all I see is dante in his stroller am I missing a way to see more pics? I am def showing - but people probably just think I am fat - cause i lost weight after violet but for some reason got upper (above the belly b___ton) fat and that I NEVER had before but anyway it sticks there so my belly is all dumb looking all out at the bottom then goes in mid belly then pops out again with fat over the belly b___ton so i just give up Im fat and that is that - I can worry about it after the babe I guess. I am not too sick but lately I get like .. a hour after i eat I feel STUFFED and pukey still .. plus I seem to not like the things I used to like - I dont really care for sweets either - its more sour stuff that i crave now .. other then that I am pretty normal. O but i am very emotional lately either filled with anger or crying .. or then happy like i am all over the place but the anger gets the best of me - I get really upset especially with driving but I dont drive crazy I just call my mom and scream at her about the people on the road haha ok well I just popped in briefly ttyl!


buckeye74 - July 25

Hey gals. glad to see everyone is doing well. Newleywed, we have the exact same due date- 1 am 8 weeks too due March 5th! I had another us yesterday and they said everything looked good. she told me i have fibroids though which could be the cause of my spotting. Anyone ever have fibroids? Nobody ever told me that before. Anyway, i go back in 2 weeks. kind of weird that it isn't 4 weeks. not sure if it is b/c of the spotting, the fibroids or b/c i just turned 35 so now i am high risk i guess! Anyway, Dominic is STILL not walking. He has taken a few steps but that is it. hopefully he walks soon so i don't have to carry him all the time. Well, thought i'd drop in a say hi!


DDT - July 26

Hi ladies! newlywed: I never showed earlier with Jaxon. I don't think its a given with every subsequent pregnancy but depends on the woman and the individual pregnancy. I didn't start showing (like you could notice I was pregnant)until about 22 wks. With Caden it was actually earlier at about 19 wks. I never really grew much during the 1st-2nd tri's, but popped right out during the 3rd tri with both pregnancies. Especially during the 27-30 wk point. I never has m/s or nausea with either of my pregnancies. I did have faintness and dizziness though. And killer migraines with Caden. Oh, and sciatic with Jaxon. Never had any bleeding...that must be scary. But I have read and heard that it's fairly common. Jaxon is also starting to "talk" and babble a lot. He is responding to a lot of one-step instructions. Like when I tell him to get something or give me something. He points, gestures and grunts to things. He says dog & mama clearly. He makes the same noises for the same things, but the noises can't always be understood at this point. I think he is starting to wean off the bottle himself. I was preparing myself for hell because I planned on cutting him down to just one bottle over the next 2 weeks. But over the last week he isn't wanting his bottle in the afternoon anymore. I will just cut it out, and then we are left with his morning bottle (which he loves and cries for hysterically!) buckeye74: don't worry about Dominic not walking yet. It will come and will happen out of the blue. Caden didn't start walking until he was 14 months old and I was 34 wks preggo with Jaxon. That was hard on my back! Just give him lots of opportunity for practice but don't push it either if isn't enthused about it. Jaxon is teething big time! I think he might be getting 2 more teeth on the bottom jaw. We are going away next weekend to visit my MIL on the Island again. Also visiting my BIL & his GF. Have a great week & weekend girl! Try to enjoy this blistering heat wave fefer!



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