Anyone Been Put On Steroids
1 Replies
I had a prenatal appointment yesterday and an u/s. I am 32 weeks along with twin boys who now weigh 4.7 lbs, and 4.11 lbs. They were worried because my cervix has gotten alot shorter to only 1.7 cm, and I am over a cm dialated. My OB gave me a steroid shot to advance their lung development a little quicker because he thinks that they may come within the next 1 or 2 or maybe at most 3 weeks. I am so freaked out. I do not want them to come so early if they are not ready. Needless to say that lastnight I had no sleep because I was awake all night worrying. I swear the stress alone is about enough to make me go into premature labour! Have anyone else had these shots or known anyone who had theit twins as early as 33 or 34 weeks? If so please tell me a success story.
Don't worry wanna, I know you don't want them to come early, but their doing everything they can to take care of you and them. The steriods I'm sure are exactly what they need, and everything will be fine....BTW what good weights in that tummy of yours!!! Did you just "feel" that you were carring twins? I'm the one that did the 100mg Clomid on CD 1-5 and got pregnant 1st month on it. I O'd on my own, I really really feel like there are 2 babies in there. Talk soon, and good luck!