I have taken Provera for 5 days now and I dont feel like AF is near. Should I keep taking it? My OB told me to take 1 every day until AF arrived and she gave me a 10 day supply. What do yall think?
I read somewhere that 1 lady was told by her doctor to take 3 a day for 3 days to bring on AF. I guess he said that taking it for 10 days took too long! What do yall think?
So last night I started to get some AF type cramping so I am getting hopeful that AF will AF soon. Shold I keep taking my Provera or should I just wait for AF?
I have taken Provera twice so far and both times AF showed up 6 days after taking the last pill. I took two pills a day for five days. Hope you get your AF soon.
Thanks that is good to know. Did your dr tell you to take 2 pills a day or was that something that you had decided to do? Also, what was the dosage? I am on 10mg. I dont think that my OB knew much about Provera because she told me that AF would probably start after my 3rd pill. Then I found out that Af wont arrive while you are still taking them. So anyways . . . I decided to only take 7 pills because I didnt want to wait an extra 3 days for AF. Today is the 4th day off the pill and I have a few signs of AF but they are faint.
It was 10mg both times and my doc instructed me to take them twice daily. I have heard of taking them either way- one 10mg pill a day for ten days or two 10mg pills for five days. Now that you have taken seven pills, you should get your AF soon. Just make sure you don't stress about it too much b/c that can delay it also.
OK Thanks I will try not to. It is hard though. AF should have been here on the 27th but being that I didnt O this cycle my OB put me on Provera. At least now I know that I can take 2 a day for 5 days. I am sure that this will not be the last time that I take them.