Anyone On Clomid Experience Bad Cm HELP
6 Replies
Did any of you who are taking and have taken/ used clomid have early O and a thick mucous cm either straight after the last clomid pill or later? everywhere it says that cm should decrease with clomid yet mine is coming in abundance and I had my last pill cd9 yesterday. 100mg. I have no symptoms and no pain. Can there be anything going wrong with me because I am taking clomid? I have been trying for a baay for over a year now and had one before with no clomid so would assume I ovulate normally. I am only taking clomid to speed things up. Some advice would be appreciated.
| ... - November 18 |
clomid can cause ovarian cysts and such. i don't know if exessive cm would be a sign of that.
Why don't you call your doctor and ask?
thanks for the input...I have had clomid prescribed to me and have asked my doctor. He tells me not to worry but I have been doing my research about this and everywhere it seems clomid is having the opposite effect on cm than it has to me. I am sure I have no cysts..or should hope to think I don't..its only been 3 months and I had normal AF so far. i was hoping someone here will have similar experiences. Hope someone will soon tell me its normal. I will have a scan in 4 weeks but in the meantime i could get some info.
Take 10 to 15 ml (2 or 3 tsp) of Regular Robitussin every day from day after last clomid until after ovulation (usally cycle day 14-16) as this will help lighten the cm and make it friendly for sperm to travel. Also can try using pre-seed while bedding down as it will help with the dryness and getting the sperm to their destination (other lubricants may be harmful to sperm). Good luck!
I meant to say 2-3 tspns of robitussin three times a day. Sorry
Hello, If you had a baby without help before and nothing has happened to you in the interim like a pelvic infection or surgery or change in health status then you might want to consider if it is your PARTNER who has or has developed fertility issues. Trying for a baby for a year (if done correctly at ovulation, etc.) is an indication of a fertility issue in younger couples. FYI-good healthy cervical mucous that is optimal for sperm and conception looks, feels, and acts like egg whites, very slippery and can be made to extend like a web between your fingers.