Chances Of Twins Multiples
946 Replies
Yeah, that's the right Asprin. Anything that's 81mg is what is recommended.
Yes, I was wondering if I can take VITEX next month at all. I will be taking clomid and I know I cant take it with clomid but, can I take it at all for that month is what I need to know. Thanks Ladies. Babydust to ALL!!
Well I started to spot again. Small cramps started about an hour ago. AF is on her way. I so had my hopes up this month. On the positive side, being on the 100mg actually let me feel myself ovulate. Today would be 14 days since I ovulated. I was reading on the paperwork the doctor gave me that sometimes it can take a couple of months for your body to adjust. I guess mine finally did. Good luck and Baby Dust!!!!
Amanda - you haven't got AF full yet? maybe its just spotting. Some women spot when they would have normally gotten their period. Wait & see if it comes full. I'll pray for you. Today is cycle day 30 for me...too scared to test yet since I don't know what day I o'd. No spotting yet? Baby dust to all those in need of a little one to hold. (or 2)
Lauren, how long are your cycles normally? You should test! Didn't you expect it by now? Maybe your spotting was implantation like Kim's, and you've got more than one in there! I sure hope so. That would be so great! Good Luck everyone! I'm on cd10, and go in for an U/S tomorrow to see what's happening. Hopefully, I'm about to ovulate. We'll see. Baby Dust!!!
Don't be down it will happen if ttc has taught anything that is patience as much as I want to yell and scream we all have no choice is this matter and that really sucks. I also started AF yesterday this is my first day of Clomid so far no side effects. I hope that stays like that, cheer up :}
Lauren you were right, I'm pregnant. I just spotted that one time so I decided to take a test this morning and got a BFP. I am so excited. The crazy thing is that I didn't use mucinex, baby asprin or the preseed this time. After finding out that my DH had a low sperm count I kind of thought it was pointless. Maybe having that att_tude took the pressure off both of us. I don't know, I am just glad it happened. Thanks for all the Baby Dust and back at you!!!!
I was just curious...I am on CD 35 now, which are usually long, so it's nothing abnormal. But, I have taken an OPK the last 4 days and they have all been positive and I did so because I have had a lot of eggwhite mucus. So, I figure I'm ovulating. But I didn't still expect a 4th day + today. I'm you have an LH surge when you are preggo? I'm nervous to take a HPT. Because maybe I Oed earlier in my cycle and just didnt catch it. Could the OPK be picking up a pregnancy too? Anyone know??
The only thing I can tell you about that is that an OPK is not reliable for detecting pregnancy, because it's looking for the wrong kind of hormone. It's not that unusual for people to get 4 days of +opk's. It just takes some people longer to release the egg than others. That doesn't mean that you're not pregnant, though. But, if your cycles are usually really long, then I'd a__sume that you're ovulating right now. But, you could always take an HPT for fun, as long as you're doing it to clarify things for yourself, so you don't get too dissappointed if it comes back as a BFN. Good Luck! AMANDA - CONGRATS!!! That's awesome! LAUREN - Would you hurry up and test already! I bet you're spotting was a sign of your multiples pregnancy! Good Luck everyone! Baby Dust!
Hi Everyone, Sorry it's been so long since i posted. Congratulations Amanda. Lauren: Do a test I'm dying to see how you went. Zoe: Good luck this cycle. Julie: You too, good luck this cycle. Baby Dust to everyone. Jaime
I forgot to say that I'm 9 weeks pregnant today things are going well, confirmed due date is 7th April. Scan at 6 weeks 3 days saw one heart beat. Next scan in 3 weeks. Good luck everyone. P.S My little boy started walking this week we are very excited.
Well, I called the doctor and she wants me to come in today to have my HCG levels checked. I will have to go in next week as well. Since I mc in April of 04 they want to make sure my levels are doubling like they should. I have also been scheduled for an US on Sept. 22, to see how many babies are there. I know it is just three weeks away, but it seems like forever right now. Lauren, how are you doing? Have you tested. I am praying for you. Baby Dust!!!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies -Oh my Goodness Congrats Amanda I just new it!!!! Jaime so glad to hear from you & that you are already 9wks. Julie thanks for the positive thoughts I so appreciate all you ladies. Today is cycle day 31 & last mth not only did I spot up until this date but the cd 31 I started AF full. Today nothing just lots of cm! I may test tomorrow a.m (sore b___bs)
Lauren! I can't wait to hear your great news tomorrow! I'm sure you're least I hope you are. It sure sounds like it, doesn't it? Congrats to everyone else, and good luck to those still trying, like me! Baby Dust!!!
hello, I'm new here and have a few questions. I thought I'd try a post before I went on with my questions.
OK, apparently I can do this. My situation is that I ovulate regularly and have no problem conceiving ( 7 pregnancies in 8 attempts), I have had successful pregnancies but have also had a problem with recurrent miscarriage. My RE has suggested a problem with my endometrium and this Monday I will start on 100 mg. clomid, days 3-7. Apparently, clomid can help the lining; I know other information says differently but my RE seems pretty knowledgeable. This will be followed by an HCg shot to stimulate ovulation and then progesterone injections daily until AF or 10-12 wks. preg. No IVF or AF, timed intercourse. I read what everyone said about mucus drying and will get Robitussin and Preseed. That all said, can anyone hazard a guess as to my chance of 1) conceiving the first month & 2) conceiving multiples? Thanks for the help. Sorry this is so long.