Crystal did you find out if its was twims yet? I was at 636 and 1 week later I am at 22,200. I am 6 weeks today. Let me know how you made out.
Good luck
At 18 dpo and an HCG of 4049 I had an ultra sound yesterday that showed ONE baby! YEAH!!! Everything is fine and doctor just said it was a really healthy pregnancy. As for others with high HCG levels...ultra sound truly is the only way to tell. A friend of mine had a level of 3000 at 5wks and is having twins. Another at 4wks is at 5001 - just one baby. Don't look too much into the number like I did - get an ultrasound.
I am 23 weeks and pregnant with a normal fetus and a mole. My last Bhcg levels were 440,000. Yes, you read it correctly. I asked my doctor what the normal ranges would be for a normal pregnancy and then a twin pregnancy and was advised it could be up to 100,000 with a normal pregnancy and up to 200,000 with twins. But be sure to ask your doctor. The Bhcg level changes with every week. I was told that after my pregnancy, they are looking for it to be less than 2 IU/L within a few weeks, otherwise I will have to undergo chemotherapy. If you know anything about molar pregnancies, you'll know what I am talking about.
From what you are saying, I don't believe your levels are high at all. But again, check with your physician.
Good luck.
18 days 5777 dont know if its twins i have ultra sound on the 17
I went in for a preg. appointment when I was 5 weeks. The doctor told me not to worry if we did not see anything on the ultrasound. Well we did not see anything. She had me take a blood test to see if the Hcg level was 2000 or greater. I guess the results came back as being more than 2000. The doctor wants to see me back Tuesday for another ultrasound. She wants to rule out a etopic pregnancy and she also wants to see if it could be twins. Has anyone had this happen to them? Worried.
Yes, that is very high. Have you been doing infertility treatments? My level was 1187 15 days post embryo transfer and my doctor feels it's highly suggestive of twins. I've done a lot of searching and haven't come up with a lot. On one message board I found one woman who had numbers like ours and had just one baby. On the bright side one small study suggests that with high HCG levels like ours miscarriage is very unlikely. Hope this helps. My sono is on the 14th - keep your fingers crossed!
| Fe - March 14 |
Hi all, I have just had an ultrasound and it showed twins. My dates are out a week by the size of the babies and my latest hch levels are 43615.. By my date i am just on 8 weeks but by the scan i am 7 weeks.. I am worried as i to have suffered 3 miscarriages in the last year and i am now on pegestrone pesseries to help this preg.
i did invitro iam pregnant and my hcg level is 4775 what does this mean
| a - April 11 |
I just turned 5 weeks. My BHCG levels on 4/4 were 3041. on 4/6 3551 and on 4/8 4262. My doctor is concerned.Has this happened to anyone.
Iam sorry i dont know but i also have a ? my doc thinks Iam at 3 to 4 weeks and my hcg lev was at 1600 then in a day in a half it was 4069 is this high
I am all confused about the hcg test. On 4/20 my level was 1326. I went for a ultrasound 5/4 and they said things did not look good but my hcg was 12,000 on 5/5 i am lost this is my first pregnancy Help.....
I just found out that I am pregnant. Had HCG levels checked 2 days before my period should start. They told me I'm pregnant, but my levels are low (47). I can't get tested again for four days. Is something wrong or its just really early and everything will be fine.
With my first my hcG levels at 6 weeks were 26,000.With my second it was 26,350!
I have had 3 levels done...
17 dpo 146
20 dpo 714
24 dpo 4958
I work in a lab and these levels seem pretty high to me...especially the last level...I am going to have another one done on Wed so that I will be doing it in a 48 hour time frame. I have not even had my 1st DR's appt, so I will be awaiting an ultrasound for awhile...anybody else know their results that has been pregnant with twins? Twind do not run in my famliy, but I have read that the older you are (30+) sometimes your chances increase...thanks ~Angie
My hcg level was 32,000 at 6 weeks, 3 days...i am reading other comments about twins ...does this level mean there's a possiblity for twins?
I had a v____al ultrasound that determined i was 5w,5d long...we heard the heartbeat and everything...is there still a possibility of twins even though we only saw and heard one heartbeat?