How Many Clomid Twin Moms Out There
444 Replies
Brie- i wish you lots of luck, it sounds like everything is going good. I am also a little underweight for my height i'm 5'4 and 109lbs. So I was surprised too. When I read about all of the symptoms i was in total shock and was hoping i would not get any of them. Do you know if you don't have any other symptoms, if you have a better chance of getting pregnant? Do you keep track of your basal temp. also? My doc didn't say anything about it, but i thought i would anyway. He said to make sure we have intercourse every second day from days 10-24 of my cycle. Do you always know when your ovulating? Good Luck!!!!
Ravini, if I don't get preg this month, I will do the shot next time.
Malisa, I have not ovulated this entire year. Since clomid, this is the first month I actually have a follicle. He said I should ovuate by tomorrow or Friday. They will do a test next week just to make sure. So the answer is "no" i don't know when i ovulate since I never have. I will let you know though if I think I do this week. I have not done the basal body temp.
Also, just as an fyi, once I started seeing a fertility specialist, he had some different opinions than my normal ob/gyn. I wanted to tell you since you just mentioned it.....he said that the concept of having s_x every other day is not as good as most e ob/gyns think. The reason they recommend this is so that the sperm count builds back up. But his exampl was : if you start on day 10 and there are 300 million sperm, when you do it the next day, there may 150 million. He said it is better to have some than none at all because you didn't ahve kind of makes sense. So we are going everyday now. I just thought I would share that with you since my ob told me the same thing as yours...
I don't know if you have other symptoms with pcos if you are less likely to get preg. My specialist did say though, that if you are going to have anything, pcos is the best thing you can have, because it's the most treatable. So that's a good thing (i guess) :)
Are you taking Metoformin/glugaphage?
Brie- Thanks for the info. Good to know. I'm not taking Metophormin/Glugaphage. I'm not sure what that is. let me know.
Brie- Hope u will O on your own :-) good luck. as for me... i am realy in a fix now :-( and losing hope with my blood pressure being so high. Now i hope i am not preggy ..else my chances of m/c is very high now..:-(
gosh i hope they can get your BP under control. Why is it so high? Hopefully it will be back to normal very soon. I will be thinking about you.
Malisa, glucaphage is an insulin resistant drug that is used to treat PCOS. They say it helps with Oing etc...
I took the clearblue easy ovulation test last night and for the first time all year, got a big happy face on it. I am so excited. I hope this is a lucky month for all of us!!
Brie- I'm so happy for you! That's really exciting. Good Luck!
Thanks, I appreciate it. I am just waiting now....
We concieved twins naturally last year and miscarried at 14 weeks due to placental abruption. I was then diagnosed with luteal phase defect after not becoming pregnant within 6 months. Dr put me on Clomid 50 mg. I tried that for 4 months but still no pregnancy-although it did increase my luteal phase. We decided to let nature take its course and discontinue the Clomid to see what happens. I ovulated mid cycle without the Clomid (HOORAY!!) and got a positive preg. test this morning!!!! (almost one year after miscarriage) Keep your spirits up girls!!!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!
My wife took clomid (10 tablets) within five days (from 28th February 2005 to 4th March 2005) and she conceived twins (unidentical) in March 2005. She delivered two baby boys on 29th October 2005 even though her due date was supposed to have been 5th December 2005. The babies are now 7 weeks old and they are doing well!
Hi girls hope all of u r doing good... i just got back from the hospital :-( was admitted for high blood pressure... on tablets now..bad news for me thoguh.. i got my period this month... but just lasted 2 days..usualy its 6 days and a 30 day cycle where as this was after 25 days. am kinda worried.. my gyno wanted me to stop the clomid and forget about baby making till my pressure is under control :-( wanted me to come back in jan...
Ravini- i'm so sorry about the bad news. Hopefully everything will turn out okay. January is not too far though. Good luck! I'm starting my clomid tomorrow, day 3-7. I'm a little nervous about the side effects, but also excited to get started.
Malisa- hey thats great news. i hope things will work out well for you.. :-) good luck and dont worry too much about the side effects.. i never had any.. except for clotting.. good luck!
Ravini, I am so sorry about your BP. I hope next month is a success for you. Hopefully they can can get it all under control for you. I know it must be disapppointing.....I'll keep my fingers crossed for you next month.
I am still waiting to see if AF shows up this month. Today is cd 26......I am dying to test.
I broke down today and took a hpt. I took 2 tests within 6 hours and both came back with 2 lines. Only thing, is that both of the second lines were pretty faint. Has anyone had this happen and been preg? Everything I have read tonight says it's positive, but I am still nervous....
Brie-Hey be positive.. lets wait n c :-) my best wishes are with u... i am having second thoughts on baby making next month.. may be i should take a break and start in april .. i got a exam comming up in march and was wondering if i might come up with BP again with the stress and just thinking about babies! .. doc's conclusion was that my BP came up just being worried about this.. kind of mental stress about baby making and just worrying if i was infertile.. since all my rreports just turned up fine :-(
| B - December 21 |
Malisa-I should be starting my first round Sat, days 3-7 too. Keep in touch and let me know the side effects. I would love to know what I have in store for me. Baby dust.